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Vocabulaire 9.2 Français I 2 Allô? Hello? (on the telephone)

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulaire 9.2 Français I 2 Allô? Hello? (on the telephone)"— Presentation transcript:


2 Vocabulaire 9.2 Français I

3 2 Allô? Hello? (on the telephone)

4 3 Je suis bien chez... ? Is this...s house?

5 4 Qui est à lappareil? Whos calling? (Who is at the apparatus?)

6 5 (Est-ce que)... est là, sil vous plaît? Is... there, please?

7 6 Une seconde, sil vous plaît. One second (moment) please. Faites attention! Pronounce the c in seconde like a g.

8 7 (Est-ce que) je peux parler à...? May I speak to... ?

9 8 Bien sûr. Certainly.

10 9 Vous pouvez rappeler plus tard? Can you call back later?

11 10 Je peux laisser un message? May I leave a message?

12 11 Vous pouvez lui dire que jai téléphoné? Can you tell him / her that I called?

13 12 Ne quittez pas. Hold on.

14 13 Ça ne répond pas. Theres no answer.

15 14 Cest occupé. Its busy

16 15 attendre to wait for regular –re verb

17 16 perdre to lose regular –re verb

18 17 répondre (à) to answer to respond (to) regular –re verb

19 18 vendre to sell Notice that this verb looks like the English words vendor and vending.

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