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World’s great person. ppt

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1 World’s great person. ppt
2007通信工程 韦 雄

2 World's Great Person World’s Great Person
Edison is a great world-famous inventor. The invention of his life in the world are second to none.

3 In science and technology Edison’s
most significant contribution were the invention of the phonograph (留声机)and incandescent lamp(白炽灯)。 On October 22 , 1879, Edison ignited the electric lamp the first having broad practical value.


5 Edison also made great contribution to
movies, trams(有轨电车), mining(采矿), building, as well as weapons and so on, there are many well-known inventions.


7 老夫是做电灯泡滴! Edison also observed the phenomena that
light bulb in a vacuum can cause the hot electron emission(热电子发射现象 ) also called "Edison effect", the discovery of hot Electron emission, lay the foundation for the development of electron tubes.(电子管) >>>Electric bulb

8 Telegraph

9 Other inventions Cast a ballot counter(投票计数器)1868-10-11
Printing machine (印刷机)1870 Sound wave analyses resonator (声波分析谐振器)1875 Iron nickel accumulator cell(铁镍蓄电池)1900 Movietone (有声电影)1912 。。。。。。。

10 There are many inventions during Edison’s life ,he had made great contribution to the human-beings Edison passed away on October 18 , 1931, at the age of 84.

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