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Justin R Bergonio 2 May 2012 PHYS 305

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1 Justin R Bergonio 2 May 2012 PHYS 305
Modeling the Earths Magnetic Field Interaction with the Solar Wind: Design Review Justin R Bergonio 2 May 2012 PHYS 305

2 Overview Introduction Goal: Level 1 The Kernel Level 1: Status
Earth’s Invisible Shield Solar Flares vs. CME’s Goal: Level 1 The Kernel Level 1: Status Goal: Level 2

3 Earth’s Invisible Shield
Earth’s magnetic field Created by liquid Fe core Approx. dipole field 0.25 to 0.65 Gauss Solar Wind Stream of charged particles Ejected from Sun’s upper atmosphere Travels at 400 km/s (

4 Oh Mr. Sun, Please Don’t Shine Down On Me Too Hard
Solar Flare CME Solar flare: Localized burst from sunspots Dangerous because more localized Coronal Mass Ejection Large burst of solar wind Not localized, large! Topic of interest because: Sun has 11 year cycle At end of 11 year cycle, solar activity peaks/increases (solar max) Increase in sunspots  increase in solar flares 5 CME’s produce per day at solar max. Geomagnetic storms = fucks shit up (Source: NASA) (Source: NASA)

5 Goals: Level 1 Model the Earth’s magnetic field:
In a simple magnetic dipole case Against solar wind Interaction with solar flares and CME’s (Source: (Source: NASA)

6 General Equations Cartesian Coordinates Spherical Coordinates

7 The Kernel Generate y Generate z Calculate resultant B-field vector
No! Do you want this point? One more time! YES! Output to file

8 Level 1: Status (Physics of the Earth and Space Envrionment: Introduction by Prolls)

9 DONE! Right? Magnetic field lines [X] Magnetic dipole [X]

10 Goal: Leveling Up Model the Earth’s magnetic field:
In a simple magnetic dipole case Against solar wind Interaction with solar flares and CME’s (Source: (Source: NASA)

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