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A person’s Career is considered his/her journey through life

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Presentation on theme: "A person’s Career is considered his/her journey through life"— Presentation transcript:

1 A person’s Career is considered his/her journey through life
CAREER LIFE EDUCATION A person’s Career is considered his/her journey through life

2 Agenda October 23 Career Educators
8:30-9:30 Welcome, Check-in, Introduction 9:30 – 10:00 Capstone planning Dover Bay Ladysmith 10:00 – 10:15 Break 10:15 – 11:00 Work Experience document 11:00 – 11:30 Connections, sharing, check out

3 Overview 8 credits – single 4-credit options OR two 2-credit options
Final marks in both CLE and CLC (includes Capstone) Capstone included in summative assessment for CLC No designated grade level 10-12 guide released August 2018

4 Overview of career program
Ideas for delivery models Designed to support thoughtful implementation Resource allocation Innovative timetable creations Suggestions for learning approaches

5 Sense of purpose

6 (p. 4) Core competencies Reflect and select demonstrations of learning that are personally meaningful Ongoing learning experiences in and out of school

7 Deeper learning Helpful questions to support the big ideas
Design deeper learning experiences

8 Learning continuum CLE Transferable employability skills
Explore career-life roles and responsibilities Examine personal and public profiles Create identity to public Practice communication skills CLC Critique personal and public profiles Encourage to engage and apply respectful interactions Cultivate community networks for post graduation possibilities

9 Career Life Exploration – CLC
Experiential learning (30+ hours) to deepen student exposure to career-life possibilities Based on student needs and interests Includes service learning, volunteerism, employment, fieldwork Entrepreneurship and passion projects

10 Capstone self-assessment and critical analysis
Representation and presentation

11 Capstone ideas in the Guide
Considerations for educators Descriptions of the process of capstone stages

12 (p. 16) Capstone Criteria Ideas to co-construct criteria for various Capstone presentation format EG: Storytelling Use of voice Imagery Intonation Pacing Responsiveness to audience reaction Overall creativity

13 Mentorship (p. 3) Planning Decision making

14 Delivery models Guiding questions page 9
Delivery model examples p

15 What are other districts doing?
Gulf Islands Campbell River Divide CLE curriculum into grades 9 and 10 (80/20) Real 9 Credit completed in grade 10 CLE scheduled to same block to 4 teachers Students divide by focus groups throughout year Credit completed in grade 10 CLC in timetable in grade 11

16 Career Education Society: Community of Practice

17 Work Experience 12 A & B What's new in curriculum?
Student responsibility School/district responsibility WorkSafe BC Ministry requirements Worksite inspections Rob Hutchins– south zone Kim Darbyshire– north zone Rob Gowan-Smith – as needed

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