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Evolutionary Link between X-ray Pulsars and Millisecond Radio Pulsars

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Presentation on theme: "Evolutionary Link between X-ray Pulsars and Millisecond Radio Pulsars"— Presentation transcript:

1 Evolutionary Link between X-ray Pulsars and Millisecond Radio Pulsars
李向东 南京大学天文学系

2 Radio Pulsars -Rotation Powered

3 X-ray Pulsars -Accretion Powered

4 The Recycled Scenario Spin Periods X-ray pulsars

5 Millisecond X-ray Pulsars

6 Binary Pulsar Population
Main type Sub-type Observational examples Recycled PSR + low-mass comp.(MC≤ 0.45M⊙) PSR + (He) WD PSR J PSR J Mildly recycled PSR + high-mass compact comp. (0.5≤MC/M⊙≤1.4) 1. PSR + NS (double) 2. PSR + (ONeMg) WD 3. PSR + (CO) WD 1. PSR B 2. PSR J 3. PSR J Non-recycled pulsar (CO) WD + PSR PSR B Un-evolved companion 1. PSR + B-type comp. 2. PSR + low-mass MS comp. 1. PSR B 2. PSR B

7 Binary Pulsar Population
Breton 2009

8 Stellar Evolution

9 Stellar Evolution

10 Evolution of HMXBs Unstable mass transfer and common Envelope evolution

11 Evolution of LMXBs Nuclear evolution Mass and angular momentum loss

12 Formation Channel (1) TZO TZO Single NS

13 Formation Channel (2)


15 Observations vs. Theories
Too long Porb or too small M2? Black widow pulsars? Deloye 2008

16 Problems with LMXB Evolution
The formation of LMXBs requires a contrived evolution with extreme initial mass ratio ejection of a massive common envelope by a low-mass star survival as a bound system after the SN

17 Problems with LMXB Evolution
Birthrate problem (Kulkarni & Narayan 1988) NLMXB ~ 100, τLMXB ~ 10^9 yr NBMSP ~ 10^5, τBMSP ~ 10^9-10^10 yr NBMSP /τBMSP ~ NLMXB /τLMXB

18 Problems with LMXB Evolution
Mass and angular momentum loss Andronov et al. (2001) Lattimer (2007)

19 Problems with LMXB Evolution
Luminosity distribution Podsiadlowski et al. 2002

20 PSR J1903+0327 In the Galactic plane Ps=2.15 ms Porb=95 days
Mpsr~1.74 Msun M2~1 Msun e = 0.44!

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