PhD date: 1994, Weizmann Institute of Science Research topics:

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1 PhD date: 1994, Weizmann Institute of Science Research topics:
Name: Angel Porgador Department: The Shraga Segal Dept. of Microbiology, Immunology and Genetics PhD date: 1994, Weizmann Institute of Science Research topics: i. Natural killer receptors and their ligands: Application for cancer, viral diseases and diabetes ii. Patterns of disease (cancer, cardio-vascular, neuro-degenerative) bio-markers in blood. Major expertise and techniques in the lab: Tissue Culture of Natural Killer cells Immunological assays including functional assays Flow Cytometry Publications and funding summary / representative publications and grants: ISF, BSF, EC-FP7, DKFZ-MOST Existing collaborations: Eitan Rubin Raz Jelinek Suggested multi-disciplinary research project / research focus topics: Study of Receptor-Ligand interaction Lipids involved in receptor-ligand interaction Looking for expertise / project: ---- Keywords: Natural Killer, Cancer, Virus, Diabetes, Innate Immunity

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