Sexual Health Education Parent Meeting

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1 Sexual Health Education Parent Meeting
Vernon Middle School March 20, 2018

2 Agenda Welcome (3 min) Overview of Teen Reproductive Health (6 min)
California Comprehensive Sexual Health Education Act (6 min) Lesson Objectives (15 min) Curriculum Overview (20 min) Questions (7 min) Parent Resources (3 min) Welcome and review agenda.

3 Sexual Health Education
Adolescence is a critical period in life Healthy and rational choices are about interpersonal relationships and sexual behavior are crucial Curriculum not intended to supplant parental instruction, rather to complement values and expectations with the knowledge and skills necessary to make healthy choices See Preface on pg. iii for a narrative which can be used to frame this conversation.

4 Sexual Health Education
“Comprehensive sexuality education addresses the biological, sociocultural, psychological, and spiritual dimensions of sexuality” (Haffner, 1990, p.28). Sexual health education includes more than just reproduction.

5 Sexual Health Education
Comprehensive sexuality education includes: Facts, data, and information; Feelings, values, and attitudes; and The skills to communicate effectively and to make responsible decisions Comprehensive sexual health education should include all of the above, and all of these are addressed in our new 2-3 week curriculum.

6 CA Comprehensive Sexual Health Act
In January 2016, California adopted a new law covering comprehensive sexual health education and HIV prevention education in public schools, Education Code Sections 51930‐ (AB 329). Some elements of the law include: Comprehensive sexual health and HIV prevention education is required at least once in middle school and at least once in high school. Abstinence‐only instruction is not permitted. All instruction in all grades must be age‐appropriate and medically accurate (and may not promote religious doctrine). Sexual health education must respect and address the needs of students of all genders and sexual orientation. Explain the CA Comprehensive Sexual Health Act

7 CA Comprehensive Sexual Health Act
Beginning in grade 7, instruction must include information about the safety and effectiveness of all FDA‐approved methods of preventing pregnancy and transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections (including condoms, contraceptives, and antiretroviral treatment) and abstinence. It must also include information about HIV, pregnancy, sexual harassment, sexual assault, healthy relationships, and sex trafficking, as well as local resources for accessing care and students’ rights to access care.

8 CA Comprehensive Sexual Health Act
Parents must be notified that their student will receive sexual health and HIV prevention education and be allowed to view the materials prior to instruction. Parents/guardians may remove their student from the instruction by submitting a request in writing. Instruction must be appropriate for students with disabilities, English language learners, and students of all races and ethnic and cultural backgrounds. Explain the passive permission slip.

9 Topics Included Sexual Development Exploring Friendship
Relationship Abuse Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy Teen Pregnancy: Choices and Responsibilities Myths and Stereotypes About HIV Infections The HIV/AIDS Epidemic Preventing Sexually Transmitted Disease Recognizing and Reducing Risks Media and Peer Pressure HIV/STD Testing and Community Resources Respect for Differences Briefly review some of the topics outlined in the curriculum.

10 Curriculum Overview Getting Started
Briefly review the objectives of each lesson or choose from the lessons you want to highlight.

11 Lesson 1: Sexual Development
Briefly review the objectives of each lesson.

12 Lesson 2: Exploring Friendships

13 Lesson 3: Relationship Abuse

14 Lesson 4: Preventing Unplanned Pregnancy

15 Lesson 5: Teen Pregnancy: Choices and Responsibilities

16 Lesson 6: Myths and Stereotypes About HIV Infection

17 Lesson 7: The HIV Epidemic

18 Lesson 8: Preventing Sexually Transmitted Infections

19 Lesson 9: Recognizing and Reducing Risks

20 Lesson 10: Media and Peer Review

21 Lesson 11: HIV/STI Testing and Community Resources

22 Lesson 12: Goal Setting

23 Curriculum Review Please feel free to review the instructional materials Write questions on stickies, post on question board Provide 20 minutes for parents to review the student and teacher materials.

24 Q & A

25 School Schedule of Events
Insert your schedule of events to support CA Comprehensive Sexual Health Curriculum.

26 Parent Resources Write in parent resources from Appendix B you wish to share with parents. Distribute identified parent resources from Appendix B.

27 Distribute identified parent resources from Appendix B.

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