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Pronoun Case and Comparisons

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1 Pronoun Case and Comparisons
Writing Lab Pronoun Case and Comparisons

2 Comparisons using “as” or “than”
In sentences containing a clause preceded by “as” or “than,” choose the pronoun based on the intended meaning. That is, consider the intended meaning and mentally insert the missing pronoun as in the following: You are taller than I. Meaning: You are taller than I [am.]

3 The Logical Choice Be sure that the pronoun you insert is a logical one. Incorrect: The cows chase Kendra farther than I. This sentence is awkward because using the pronoun “I” makes the sentence mean that Kendra was chased not only by cows but also by a person. Correct: The cows chased Kendra farther than me. The intended meaning is that only the cows are doing the chasing; therefore, the correct pronoun choice is “me.”

4 More examples Incorrect: This applicant is more qualified for the managerial position than her. Correct: This applicant is more qualified for the managerial position that she. Incorrect: Few writers have won more writing awards than her. Correct: Few writers have won more writing awards than she.

5 That’s all, folks! This lesson is part of the UWF Writing Lab Grammar Mini-Lesson Series Lessons adapted from Real Good Grammar, Too by Mamie Webb Hixon To find out more, visit the Writing Lab’s website where you can take a self-scoring quiz corresponding to this lesson

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