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Academic Biology Notes

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1 Academic Biology Notes
Mutations Academic Biology Notes

2 What is a mutation? Mutations- changes in genetic material
“Mistakes” when copying DNA Come in many shapes and sizes

3 Kinds of Mutations: gene mutations
Point Mutations Gene mutations that involve changes in one or few nucleotides. Occur at a SINGLE point in a DNA sequence SUBSTITUTIONS- 1 base is changed into another INSERTIONS- 1 base is inserted DELETIONS- 1 base is deleted

4 KINds of mutations: Gene mutations
Substitutions, Insertions, and Deletions are also known as FRAMESHIFT MUTATIONS. FRAMESHIFT MUTATIONS shift the reading of the genetic message. Order of amino acids may change.

5 Gene Mutations (Frameshift mutations)

6 Kinds of mutations: chromosomal mutations
Involve changes in the number or structure of the chromosomes 4 Types of Chromosomal Mutations: 1.DELETIONS- the loss of all or part of a chromosome 2.DUPLICATIONS- extra copies of parts of a chromosome 3.INVERSIONS- reverse the direction of parts of a chromosome 4.TRANSLOCATIONS- part of 1 chromosome breaks off and attaches to another


8 Why are mutations important?
Many mutations are neutral. (Little or no effect on gene expression or protein function) Some mutations are harmful. Mutations provide variety among species.

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