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J E O P A R D Y.

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Presentation on theme: "J E O P A R D Y."— Presentation transcript:

1 J E O P A R D Y

2 100 200 300 400 500 Nature of Science Earth Science Life Science
Physical Science Mixed Review 100 200 300 400 500

3 What is the first thing you should do if a students spills something in lab?

4 Raise your hand and tell the teacher.

5 What measurement would you find using the tool below?
Tree Sun Gold Water

6 Mass (grams) Bonus: What is the mass on the triple beam balance?

7 What safety rules is the student in the picture following?

8 He is wearing safety goggles and a lab coat.

9 According to the label if a person ate 15 crackers how many grams of sugars have they eaten?

10 3 grams 1 gram per 5 crackers

11 What question could this table be answering?
Ramp Height Car A 20 gram Car B 30 grams Car C 40 grams 5 cm 7 cm 9 cm 10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 30 cm 22 cm 36 cm 47 cm 37 cm 55 cm 78 cm A. Does the mass of a car affect the distance traveled? B. Does the color of a car affect the speed the car travels? C. Does the height of a ramp make the car go faster? D. Does the tire diameter cause the car to travel a father distance?

12 A. Does the mass of a car affect the distance traveled?
Cars’ mass Ramp Height Car A 20 gram Car B 30 grams Car C 40 grams 5 cm 7 cm 9 cm 10 cm 15 cm 20 cm 30 cm 22 cm 36 cm 47 cm 37 cm 55 cm 78 cm Distance traveled

13 Which of the following is the quickest change to land?
A) C) B) D)

14 C) The Volcano Because as soon as it cools it makes new land!

15 What layer was formed last?

16 Layer F Because it is on top
Bonus: What can we tell above the environment in layers B,C, & D?

17 This picture is showing an example of what?

18 Deposition

19 Which of the following are renewable resources?

20 Plants, Animals, the Sun, and Water

21 Which moon phase would come next?

22 D) New Moon

23 Who are the producers, herbivores, omnivores, and carnivores in the food web below?

24 Producer Herbivore Omnivore Carnivore Plants Rabbit Snail Caterpillar
Bird Carnivore Lizard Eagle

25 What would happen if the grasshoppers disappeared ?

26 The frogs would die because they would have no food and the mice would have to eat more leaves.

27 What is the main source of Carbon Dioxide in this picture?

28 The turtles! Source of Carbon Dioxide Source of Oxygen

29 What do the 2 life cycles below have in common?

30 The adult stage reproduces!
Bonus: What type of life cycle is the mosquito going through?

31 What does X represent? Sunlight Water X Carbon Dioxide Water

32 Oxygen Sunlight Water Carbon Dioxide Oxygen Water

33 Identify each state of matter in relation to the number of molecules in each?

34 A Solid C Liquid B Gas

35 Which of the following liquids is the least dense?

36 The Lamp Oil because it is on top.

37 If 10 grams of sugar were mixed with water to make a solution and then the solution was placed on a hot plate, how much sugar would be left?

38 10 grams! In a mixture anything you put in must ALL come out.

39 What is the drop of water doing to the light?

40 The water is REFRACTING the light

41 What materials could we use to make the light bulb light up?
A glass toothpicks Paper clips Plastic cups Copper Wire Nails

42 The nails, paper clips, and copper wire! All things made of METAL.

43 Stage 2 is an example of what process?

44 Condensation Bonus: What change in the state of matter happens during condensation?

45 What types of energy can be seen in the following picture?

46 Light Heat Electricity

47 What movement creates day and night?

48 The Earth’s Rotation

49 How are the Earth and Moon the same?

50 They are both: Made of rock Sphere shaped Have craters Rotate
Have Gravity Has frozen water

51 What will happen to the temperature in Georgia tomorrow?

52 Since the cold front is moving East then the temperature should go down and Georgia should be colder.

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