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Student Name Spanish Journal Sr. Sorrells Class Period

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Presentation on theme: "Student Name Spanish Journal Sr. Sorrells Class Period"— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Name Spanish Journal Sr. Sorrells Class Period

2 Español Primavera 2012 Student Name

3 Contenido (i) Subject Page # Class Rules 1 Class Procedures 2 Classroom Phrases 3 La niñera mágica 4 Classroom Phrases Mini-Project Rubric 5 Mi Equipo (CPMP) 6 CPMP Brainstorm 7 Planning/Rough Drafts (CPMP) 8-11 Final Drafts (CPMP) Computer Lab Apuntes 16 CPMP Reflection 17 Unit 1 Question 18 Greetings & Goodbyes Vocabulary 19 Tira Cómica Brainstorm 20 Tira Cómica Rough Draft Llamar Verb Chart 23 ¿Cómo te llamas? PowerPoint Notes 24 Llamar Sentence Translation 25 Sharing Names with Others 26 Llamar Verb Quiz Reflection 27 El giro de la familia Griffin 28 Test 1 Reflection 29

4 Contenido (ii) Subject Page # El Alfabeto 30 Mnemonic Devices 31 “Mock” Pruebas de Deletrear Parte I y II 32 Tell Me More Apuntes 33 Estar Verb Chart 34 Expressing How Others Feel PPT 35 Estar Sentences 36 Un Repaso Breve de Estar 37 La Reflexión del Verbo Estar Examen 38 Mi Actualización 39 El Día de los Muertos Apuntes El muerto a cajón y el vivo al fiestón 42 ¿Qué te da miedo? Ensayo 43 Preguntas Biográficas 44 Apuntes de Selena Mock Selena Prueba 47 El Prejuicio 48 Days of the Week Vocabulario 49 D.O.W. Fill-in the Blanks Activities 50 Spelling Pre-Quiz (Days of the Week) 51 Days of the Week Etymology 52

5 Contenido (iii) Subject Page # Seasons and Months Vocabulario 53 Las Fiestas (The Holidays) 54 Los Números 55 La Actividad De Adición 56 Las Fechas 57 La Multiplicación 58 EOC Project Prep 59 Mi Equipo 60 EOC Rubric 61 EOC Vocabulary List 62 EOC Brainstorm 63 EOC Rough Draft 64 – 67 EOC Final Draft 68 – 69 EOC Project Reflection 70 Verb Reviews 71 Unit Question 72

6 Contenido (iv) Subject Page #

7 Class Rules (Page 1) Discipline Plan for Room B103 Classroom Rules
Set a positive example through your words, actions and attitude. Wait until someone speaking has finished to begin talking. Always follow teacher directions quickly. Give respect to peers, teachers and parents. If You Choose to Break a Rule* Step One: Fill out Steps Tracker, stand facing a designated wall and reflect upon behavior. Step Two: Same as above, but the student must also share how behavior affects others. Step Three: Fill out Steps Tracker, face the wall and read the school’s expectation. Step Four: Student waits quietly for a disciplinary pass and proceeds immediately to the office. A parent will be called and DMC assigned. Step Five: Failure to comply with item 4 could result in suspension. *Severe disruptions will cause a student to be immediately sent to the office. *Students have the opportunity to start with a clean slate at the end of each class period. Rewards for Positive Behavior Praise (daily) Positive notes/calls home (random) Whole-Class radio time as you work (weekly) Popcorn for the winners of “La Fecha” competition (every 9 weeks) Various other positive perks/class pesos (throughout the school year) The joy of learning Spanish (each day of the school year) STUDENTS: I have read this discipline plan and understand it. I will honor it while in Room B103. Signature________________________________________________ Date_____________________ PARENTS: My child has discussed the discipline plan with me. I understand it and will support it. TEACHER: I will be fair and consistent in administering the discipline plan for Room B103. ******IMPORTANT****** PLEASE STAPLE THIS PACKET TO PAGE ONE OF YOUR SPANISH JOURNAL. Thank you.

8 Page 2

9 Classroom Phrases (Page 3)
¡Bienvenidos! / Welcome. Por favor. / Please. Gracias. / Thank you. ¿Cómo? / Pardon. ¡Tengo una pregunta! / I have a question. ¿Cómo se dice…? / How do you say…? ¿Cómo se escribe…? / How do you write…? No entiendo. / I don’t understand. Más despacio, por favor. / Speak slowly, please. ¿Qué significa…? / What does… mean? ¿Me permite ir al baño, por favor? / May I go to the restroom? Escuchen. / Listen. Levanten la mano. / Raise your hand. Abran sus libros en página. / Open your books to page… Cierren los libros. / Close your books.

10 La niñera mágica (Page 4)
On page 4 of your journal, I want you to identify 10 words from the film clip that you believe you can guess their meaning. Write out both the word and your guess. Exclude words that consist of three letters or less from your list, please.

11 Classroom Phrases Mini-Project Rubric (Page 5)

12 Mi Equipo: My Team for CPMP (Page 6)
All week we will be working on our Classroom Phrases Mini-Project. In just a moment, I will give you 5 minutes to find 4 people to work with on your CPMP. Write down your team members’ names on page 6 of your journal. Any vacancies in your group after 5 minutes will be filled with my choices. You will also need to write down any contact information for them so that you may collaborate on the project outside of class.

13 CPMP Brainstorm (Page 7)
On page 7 of your journal, brainstorm what sort of project you would like to create with your partners. Each member of the group must have their own brainstorm. Be prepared to share with your group. Be specific and try to make it at least ½ a page. Think About: What do you want to do? How do you want to do it? What will you need to do it? *(Bring supplies if needed.)

14 Planning/Rough Drafts (Pages 8-11)
Discuss brainstorms. Select someone’s idea. Make sure each of you has a copy of the classroom phrases vocabulary in their journal (p. 3). Rough Draft: Start working on a plan (pages 8-11 of journal). Begin executing the plan. Rehearse if time is available. Remember to bring any needed supplies tomorrow.

15 Final Draft (Pages 12-15): Finish Final Draft today (pp of journal); type it up! Each of you should have a copy of the final draft in your journal (You may print off copies at home to share with others). Raise your hand to have me sign for the final draft checkpoint. I will also check at the start of class tomorrow. Rehearse when done.

16 Lab Instructions: Please Read
Open your journal to page 16 and title it “Computer Lab Apuntes”. Glance at your CPS remote number in your journal, that will be your lab PC number too. Please sit quietly and organize your belongings. When we are in the lab, you will set your belongings against the back wall and quietly log onto your computers. When we get to the lab, quietly take notes on the Lab presentation. When we finish, anytime left over may be used to explore my staff page or Gaggle.

17 CPMP Reflection (Page 17)
Write a whole page in essay form reflecting upon your classroom phrases mini-project. Below are questions to help get you started. What were the strengths of your project? Why? What were the weaknesses of your project? Why? What did you do to create the best project you could? How did your project achieve the goal of helping your classmates learn our classroom phrases? How would you improve your project if you had a second chance? Did our classroom phrases mini-project help you learn our vocabulary? Why or why not? What would you improve about the assignment in the future?

18 Title: Unit 1 Question. On the back of page 18 in your journal,
answer the question below. Your answer must be at least half a page! “Why is it important to create an efficient (fast, smart and productive) learning environment?”

19 Greetings and Goodbyes Vocabulary
Please label page 19 in your journal and copy the following phrases. If you don’t have your journal, write on a sheet of paper instead. Buenos días. / Good morning. Buenas tardes. / Good afternoon. Buenas noches. / Good evening or Goodnight. Adiós. / Goodbye. Hasta luego. / See you later. Hasta mañana. / See you tomorrow. ¡Hasta pronto! / See you soon! Nos vemos. / See you around. ¡Tenga un buen día! / Have a good day! Me llamo… / My name is… Mucho gusto. / It is a pleasure to meet you. Igualmente. / Likewise. ¿Cómo está usted? / How are you? Estoy bien, gracias. / I am well, thank you. Estoy mal. / I am not well. (Mal literally means bad.)

20 Tira Cómica - Brainstorm
Using your creativity and imagination, brainstorm (journal p. 20) and develop a rough draft (journal p. 21) for a comic strip that will use all 15 of your greetings and goodbye vocabulary. *Study your flash cards when finished!

21 Tira Cómica – Brainstorm (P. 20)
Using your creativity and imagination, brainstorm (journal p. 20) and develop a rough draft (journal p ) for a comic strip that will use all 15 of your greetings and goodbye vocabulary. *Study your flash cards when finished!

22 Tira Cómica – Rough Draft (P. 21-22)
Using your creativity and imagination, brainstorm (journal p. 20) and develop a rough draft (journal p ) for a comic strip that will use all 15 of your greetings and goodbye vocabulary. *Study your flash cards when finished!

23 LLAMAR VERB CHART Copy the verb chart exactly as it is below for “llamar” on page 23 of your journal. Leave half the page free for notes. When finished, begin studying your flashcards silently. Llamar – to call Me llamo (your name). Mi amigo se llama (male friend’s name). Mi amiga se llama (female friend’s name). UD. se llama Sr. Sorrells. Mis padres se llaman (your parents names). Nos llamamos Bush Broncos. (We call ourselves.) Yo llamo Nosotros Nosotras llamamos llamas Vosotros Vosotras llamáis Él Ella UD llama Ellos Ellas UDS llaman Page 23

24 Page 24

25 Llamar Sentence Translation
Open your journal to page Copy down these 10 sentences and write down their translations. You may use your notes for help. When you finish, study your llamar verb chart. Ejemplo: Me llamo Sr. Sorrells. / My name is Sr. Sorrells. Te llamas Linda. Mi amigo se llama Antonio. Mi amiga se llama Melisa. Nosotros nos llamamos Bush Broncos. Me llamo Javier. Ella se llama Ana. Él se llama Marco. Ellos se llaman Iñigo y Ricardo. UD. se llama Principal Warnock. Me llamo… Page 25

26 Sharing Names with Others (P. 26)
Me llamo… I call myself… Nos llamamos… We call ourselves Te llamas… You call yourself… Os llamáis Y’all call yourselves.. Se llama… He is/She is/Polite You are called… Se llaman… They call themselves… Complete the following sentences logically on page 26 of your journal. Write down the entire sentence on your paper and underline your answer (you may use page 23 of your journal for help). When finished, please study your llamar verb chart. Me llamo Domingo, ¿Cómo te __________? ________ llamo Catalina. Me ______ Señora de Pacheco. ¿Cómo __________ llama usted? ________ llamo Señor Sánchez. Me llamo Julia. ¿ __________ te llamas? Me llamo _______________.

27 Quiz Reflection: Our Llamar Verb Quiz results as a
whole were disappointing. On p. 27 of your journal, please answer the following questions as thoughtfully as possible. When finished, study your Llamar Verb Chart and phrases. Why do you think your results were good or poor? What do you think you can do to improve your understanding? What can I do to better help you succeed with learning the llamar verb? Why do you think the class’ results as a whole were poor?

28 Actividad Oral- El giro de la familia Griffin (Page 28)
In your journal, please translate the sentences about the griffin family that Sr. Sorrells makes aloud from the perspective of Stewie Griffin.

29 Test 1 Reflection (Journal page 29)
Think about your test yesterday and write a ½ page reflection. Use the questions below to help get you started. What grade do you think you earned? Why? What strategies in class did you find helpful in preparing you for it? Why? What strategies did not prove helpful? Why? What strategies did you use at home? What strategies could I use to help you learn vocabulary in the future?

30 El Alfabeto (Copy notes on page 30 of Journal)
Letra Sonido A “a” N “ene” B “be” Ñ “eñe” C “ce” O “o” (CH)* “che” P “pe” D “de” Q “cu” E “e” R “ere” F “efe” (RR)* “erre” G “ge” S “ese” H “hache” T “te” I “i” U “u” J “jota” V “ve” K “ka” (W) “uve doble” L “ele” X “equis” (LL)* “elle” Y “i griega” M “eme” Z “zeta” CH and LL each make a single sound, but have not been considered letters of the alphabet since 1994. W is not found in words native to the Spanish language. We have one letter in Spanish that English does not: Ñ.

31 On page 31 of your journal, create mnemonic devices (memory devices) to help you remember the sounds of each letter in the alphabet. Do something similar to my examples below. If you get stuck on a letter, move on to the next one and come back to that letter later. Ejemplos: A is like the ah sound in awesome. B is like the bay sound in baby. C sounds like the word say. CH… D…

32 “Mock” Pruebas de Deletrear Partes I y II (Page 32 of Journal)
_________ _________

33 Tell Me More Apuntes (P. 33)
Website: Click on “FOR STUDENTS” (Purple Box). Username: Student ID # Password: abc Click on “Confirm” (under password). In the “Learning Path” page select Introduction I. Click on the BEGIN button to the right of the percentage correct. On the next page, click on the blinking blue box . You may now begin!

Copy the verb chart exactly as it is below for “estar” on page 34 of your journal. Leave half the page free for notes. When finished, begin studying the table silently to yourself or start on your flashcards. Estar – to be Yo estoy Nosotros Nosotras estamos estás Vosotros Vosotras estáis Él Ella UD está Ellos Ellas UDS están Two general uses of estar: It indicates a condition that changes (e.g. your mood or the weather). Ejemplo: Estoy feliz./I am happy. It tells a location. Ejemplo: Estamos en colegio./We’re at school. Rhyme to help you remember usage: “How you feel and where you are this is when you use estar.”

35 Expressing How Others Feel PPT (P. 35)
Open your journals to page 35, please. We are going to practice expressing how others feel using the verb estar. You will conjugate estar according to its subject and use one of three feelings below. Bien/Good Mal/Bad Más o menos/Okay

36 Estar Sentences (P. 36 of your journal)
Please look at your estar verb chart and create two distinct sentences for each of the six verb forms. Use the emotional states of bien, mal, or más o menos to complete your sentences. You should have 12 sentences total when done. After you have finished, please study your flashcards. Ejemplo: Vosotros estáis más o menos. Vosotros estáis bien.

37 Un repaso breve de estar
On page 37 of your journal, please do the following review tasks. Make an estar verb chart from memory, NO NOTES (compare it to the original in your notes when done). Translate the following sentences into Spanish: How are you? (asking an adult) I am poor. How is she? She is okay. How are y’all? (in Spain) STUDY YOUR FLASHCARDS WHEN FINISHED, PLEASE!

38 Reflexión Think about your estar quiz yesterday and write a ½ page reflection on page 38 of your journal. Use the questions below to help get you started. Be prepared to share. What grade do you think you earned? Why? Do you feel you did better on this verb quiz than the last one? Why or why not? What strategies do you feel helped make you successful on this quiz? What impeded your performance on the quiz? (What made you do poorly?) What strategies did you use at home? What strategies could I use to help you learn vocabulary in the future? Page 38

39 Mi actualización. (My update.)
Page 39 Abran sus cuadernos en página 39. Divide your journal into two halves, a top and a bottom. Title the top part Missing Work/Low Grades. Title the bottom part La Niñera Mágica (Parte II). Today we will write down 10 words we believe we know from the movie La Niñera Mágica (4 letters or more). As we do this, I will inform you about grades that need to be brought up/completed for this class before Friday.

40 PAGE 40

41 PAGE 41 Notes Continued!

42 El Día de los Muertos Apuntes (Page 42)
Take notes based on the article attached.

43 ¿Qué te da miedo? Please respond to the following journal entry on page 43 of your journal.
Death is a common fear that many share. On El Día de los Muertos we face that fear of the inevitable and embrace it. Start thinking about some other fears. Tell me: What are you most afraid of and why? (Your entry should be at least ½ a page, think about what makes this thing so scary to you.)

44 Preguntas Biográficas (page 44)
Knowing how to take good notes is a valuable skill for both business and academics. Today we will watch and analyze a video about a famous Texan Tejano singer. We will take notes on the valuable information we learn. (I will pass out my Selena note handout as you develop your own questions). Imagine you are writing a biography, write down at least 10 important questions you would need to answer to help a complete stranger know what this person was like. Be prepared to share. You may read silently when finished. (5 minutes)

45 Apuntes de Selena (Page 45)
Write notes on the following: 10 Steps to a Biographical Look at Selena Quintanilla Perez 1.     What is Selena’s background? 2.     What have you learned about Selena’s family? 3.     What about Selena’s childhood impacted who she was as an adult? 4.     What personality trait or traits helped Selena succeed in her career as a singer? 5.     What conflicts did Selena encounter growing up and as an adult? 6.     What were the turning points in her life? 7.     What were some major events that occurred in her life? 8.     What were some of Selena’s major accomplishments? 9.     What can we learn from Selena? How was Selena inspirational? What mistakes did Selena make? 10. Although Selena lead a short life, she made an impact on those around her. What was so significant about Selena that she captured the love and attention of so many?

46 Apuntes de Selena Please open your journal to page 46. As we watch the movie please take notes on the valuable information we learn. Try and anticipate quiz questions, and answer them in your notes. Please acknowledge and write about the fusions between Mexican and U.S. culture you see in the video.

47 Mock Selena Prueba (Page 47)
Where is Selena Quintanilla-Pérez from? When did Selena start performing? Which two cultures influenced Selena? Where was one of the first places Selena performed? The name of the group Selena performed with was… Selena grew up speaking which language primarily? What obstacles did Selena face as a Tejano singer? How did growing up bi-culturally (within two cultures) help Selena? Which prestigious music award did Selena win? Who murdered Selena?

48 On page 48 of your journal, write half a page or more on the following topic: El Prejuicio
Selena’s father experienced racism while being part of the group “Los Dinos” in 1961 Corpus Christi, Texas. Does racism still exist? Have things changed since then? How do you think the experiences that Selena’s Dad had affected his treatment of Selena’s career?

49 Days of the Week Vocabulary
Please label page 49 in your journal and copy the following phrases. If don’t have your journal, write them on a sheet of paper instead. La semana / Week Lunes / Monday Martes / Tuesday Miércoles / Wednesday Jueves / Thursday Viernes / Friday Sábado / Saturday Domingo / Sunday Hoy / Today Ayer / Yesterday Mañana / Tomorrow El día / Day Pasado mañana/ Day after tomorrow (the day past tomorrow) Anteayer / The day before yesterday El fin de semana / Weekend PAGE 49

50 PAGE 50 Days of the Week (D.O.W.) Fill-in the Blank Activities
On the top half of page 50 in your journal, please complete the sentences below with the missing day of the week. Word Key: si = if, fue = was, es = is, será = will be, Ejemplo: Si hoy es lunes, mañana será martes. 1.) Si hoy es viernes, mañana será ________. 2.) Si ayer fue jueves, hoy es _________. 3.) Si anteayer fue miércoles, mañana será ________. 4.) Si pasado mañana será domingo, ayer fue ________. 5.) Si mañana será sábado, anteayer fue ___________. 1.) Si ayer fue domingo, mañana será __________. 2.) Si anteayer fue sábado, pasado mañana será _________. 3.) Si mañana será martes, anteayer fue __________. 4.) Si pasado mañana será miércoles, ayer fue __________. 5.) Si anteayer fue sábado, hoy es ___________. PAGE 50

51 Page 51 _____________ Spelling Pre-Quiz: On page 51 of your journal,
please write the seven days of the week in order and spelled correctly starting with Monday (in Spanish of course). When finished, turn over your paper and study your flashcards (5 minutos). _____________ Page 51

52 Page 52

53 Page 53 Copy the following chart on page 53 of your journal.
Be sure to spell everything correctly! Write the title and draw the trees as well. Las estaciones el otoño el invierno septiembre diciembre octubre enero noviembre febrero la primavera el verano marzo junio abril julio mayo agosto Page 53

54 Las Fiestas: Write down the sentences & fill in the blanks with Spanish responses on page 54 of your journal, please. (More on the next slide.) El Día de San Valentín is celebrated in ________? La navidad (Christmas) is in _________________. May 5th in Spanish is el cinco de _____________. The 15th of September, Mexican Independence Day, is “el 15 de ____________.” El Día de Pascua (Easter/Resurrection Day) occurs in the __________ (spring)? December, when Hanukkah is celebrated, is in ____________ (winter). Ramadán, a Muslim holiday is celebrated during the _______________ (summer). Page 54

55 PAGE 55

56 La Actividad de Adición (página 56 de tu cuaderno)
In Spanish, we use the word “más” to indicate that you add two numbers together. Decode and answer the addition problems below by writing the question and answer like the ejemplo given. Use your journal notes for help! Ejemplo: dos más uno = (2+1=3) tres seis más cinco = tres más siete = cuatro más cinco = once más catorce = dieciséis más quince = cinco más nueve = uno más doce = nueve más nueve = ocho más dieciséis = dieciocho más tres = *When you finish, study your seasons and months silently in preparation for tomorrow’s assignments. Page 56

57 Las fechas - Page 57 of journal
Using pages 53 and 55 of your journal to help, write out these Spanish dates in words. Remember, in Spanish dates are written day/month/year. Study numbers when finished. (Las parejas son permitidas.) Ejemplo: 05/04/11  El cuatro de mayo de 2012” 1.) 22/11/ ) 14/02/ ) 17/01/ ) 25/12/ ) 24/06/ ) 31/05/ ) 13/10/ ) 21/03/ ) 29/08/ ) 04/07/2012

58 Page 58 La Multiplicación (Page 58):
In Spanish, we use the word “por” to indicate that you multiply two numbers together. Decode and answer the multiplicación problems below by writing the question and answer like the ejemplo given. Use your number notes on page 55 for help. Ejemplo: dos por uno = (2 x 1 = 2) dos dos por cuatro = nueve por tres = seis por cinco = treinta y uno por cero = trece por dos = cuatro por siete = ocho por tres = once por dos = siete por tres = cuatro por cuatro = Page 58

59 EOC Project Prep (Page 59 of Journal)
Please take a look at your journal table of contents and find the areas of study throughout the semester that you have struggled with most. Create a list of 10 or more phrases/vocabulary terms that you had difficulty learning in preparation for our group projects.

60 Mi Equipo [P. 60 of journal (5 minutes)]
All week we will be working on an End of Course Review project. In just a moment, I will give you 5 minutes to find 4 people to create an End of Course Review Project. Write down your team members’ names on page 60 of your journal. Any vacancies in your group after 5 minutes will be filled with my choices.

61 Page 61 (Rubric)

62 End of Course Vocabulary List for EOC Review Project (Page 62 of Journal)
With your group members, compose a list of 20 phrases/vocabulary terms that you had difficulty learning by combining those chosen by group members for their alertas. You must all have the same 20 terms! Agree upon them together.

63 HW: Brainstorm for EOC Project
Page 63 HW: Brainstorm for EOC Project On page 63 of your journal, brainstorm independently what sort of project you would like to create with your partners. Each member of the group must have their own brainstorm. Be prepared to share with your group today! Think About: What media will you use to create your project (film, song, dance, game, painting, photos, play, story, poster, pamphlet or etc.)? What materials/supplies will you need to create your project? What steps will be involved in creating your project and how long do you approximate each step will take? How will your project help students learn past course material?

64 EOC Rough Draft / Meet with Group
Pages 64-67 Discuss brainstorms. Select someone’s idea. Make sure each of you has a copy of your 20 vocabulary words in your journal (p. 62). Rough Draft: Start working on a plan (pages of journal). Begin executing the plan. Rehearse if time is available. Remember to bring any needed supplies tomorrow because we will have our last day of rehearsals then and film Monday.

65 EOC Final Draft (P. 68-69) Rough Draft Checkpoint.
Next, find your partners and be sure that each of you writes a neat and organized final draft of your script on pages of your journal. You may talk during this activity. Then rehearse for the remainder of the period! We will film Monday! If we were unable to watch a music video yesterday, time permitting -- we will watch a music video at the end of class today.

66 EOC Project Reflection (Page 70)
Write ¾ of a page or more in essay form reflecting upon your EOC project in class. Below are questions to help you: What grade do you think you will earn? Why? What were the strengths of your project? Why? What were the weaknesses? Why? What did you do to create the best project you could? How did your project achieve the goal of helping your classmates review effectively for their cumulative EOC exam? How did it help you review for your EOC exam?

67 Verb Reviews Page 71

68 Unit Question: Is our Spanish Spiral pointless
Unit Question: Is our Spanish Spiral pointless? On page 72, write a ½ page essay answering the following questions. What is the purpose of your Spanish Spiral? Does it work for the purpose you stated? What do you like about the Spanish Spiral? What do you dislike about the Spanish Spiral? What suggestions do you have to improve the Spanish spiral?

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