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2 The Beginning Of Captivity For Israel
Divided Kingdom, part 2 Judah Alone Lesson 9 The Beginning Of Captivity For Israel 2 Kings Chron Isa 7

3 An Ancient Reminder… Review Moses’ words in Deut 28:49-68
Especially vv , 52-53, 64 In the lesson we study today, we begin to see this prophecy starting to be fulfilled It begins to occur under the oppressive hand of Tiglath-pileser III (Assyria)…he takes territory E of Jordan River 1 Chron 5:25-26

4 Ahaz Reigns In Judah After Jotham’s death, his son Ahaz rules 2 Kings 16: Chron 28:1-4, 25-26 Began at age 20…reigned 16 years Judah’s most wicked king to date Began the practice of child sacrifices First mention of “Valley of Ben-Hinnom” (N.T. word “Gehenna”) Paints what kind of picture of Hell? Mk 9:43-48

5 War In The Region Started in Jotham’s final days 2 Kings 15:37
Coalition of forces between Rezin (Syria) and Pekah (Israel) against Judah Continued into the reign of his son Ahaz 2 Kings 16:5-6 Isaiah attempts to calm Ahaz’s fears by offering Divine comfort Isa 7:1-17

6 War In The Region Isaiah’s Efforts To Calm Ahaz Isa 7:1-17
Prophet sought to reassure him v. 4a Correctly described the enemies v. 4b Advised him to put his trust in God vv. 7-9 Offered to give Ahaz a “sign” so that he might believe…any sign at all vv Ahaz refused…he already had his own plan (political alliance with Assyria)

7 War In The Region Isaiah’s Efforts To Calm Ahaz Isa 7:1-17 MESSIANIC
God gave His own sign…one born to a virgin vv Before a virgin could conceive a child, give birth to him, and that child have time to grow to the age of discernment, the lands belonging to Rezin and Pekah would be forsaken MESSIANIC

8 War In The Region Ahaz suffers at the hands of Syria and Israel 2 Chron 28:5-15 Captives carried away to Damascus Ahaz himself delivered into hands of Pekah Pekah slays 120,000 in Judah slain in 1 day Israel carried 200,000 women & children captive along with much spoil Prophet Oded intervened vv. 9-11

9 War In The Region Ahaz suffers at the hands of Syria and Israel 2 Chron 28:5-15 Oded’s intervention vv. 9-11 Reminded Israel of their own sinfulness Cautioned against further sin by enslaving captives from Judah Ex 21:2-6 Lev 25:39 Ephraim leaders also opposed vv Captives fed, clothed with spoil…sent to Jericho vv

10 More Invasions Into Judah
Edom & Philistia invade…take captives and territories 2 Chron 28:17 Punishment from God for Ahaz’s wickedness v. 19 At some point, Ahaz turns to Assyria for help 2 Chron 28: Kings 16:17-18 He strips the temple & king’s palace of gold and silver…pays off Tiglath-pileser III

11 More Invasions Into Judah
Assyria responds…attacks Damascus, kills Rezin, carries its people away in captivity 2 Kings 16:9 Basic Problem: Ahaz seeks political alliances to solve his spiritual problems. Even when given the opportunity to trust in, depend on God… he rejected God and put his trust in men.

12 From Ahaz’s Life LESSONS
If the Bible says it, it is true (faith in God, His word) Pet 1:23-25a Everyone grows up because of or in spite of their upbringing We cannot trust other men more than we should trust God Psa 118:8-9 Spiritual problems can only be fixed with spiritual solutions


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