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TCSS 143, Autumn 2004 Lecture Notes

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1 TCSS 143, Autumn 2004 Lecture Notes
Implementation of Array Lists and Linked Lists

2 Java's List interface: review
Java has an interface java.util.List to represent a list of objects. It adds the following methods to those in Collection: public void add(int index, Object o) Inserts the specified element at the specified position in this list. public Object get(int index) Returns the element at the specified position in this list. public int indexOf(Object o) Returns the index in this list of the first occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain it.

3 List interface, cont'd. More java.util.List methods:
public int lastIndexOf(Object o) Returns the index in this list of the last occurrence of the specified element, or -1 if the list does not contain it. public Object remove(int index) Removes the object at the specified position in this list. public Object set(int index, Object o) Replaces the element at the specified position in this list with the specified element.

4 ArrayList implementation
Let's examine instructor's provided IntArrayList class, to get an idea of how ArrayList works An IntArrayList stores a list of ints and mimics many of the methods of java.util.ArrayList simpler to examine than a real ArrayList, but limited (cannot be used for other data types)

5 reminder: ArrayList problems
an insertion into a full list causes a large reallocation an insertion to the front forces us to "slide" down the subsequent items a removal also forces us to "slide" down subsequent items still need to use indexes/subscripts a lot the syntax for using it is somewhat ugly

6 The underlying issue the elements of an ArrayList are too tightly attached; can't easily rearrange them can we break the element storage apart into a more dynamic and flexible structure?

7 Idea: a list of linked nodes
create a special Node object that represents one storage slot to hold one element of the list each node will keep a reference to the node after it (the "next" node) the last node will have next == null (drawn as / ), signifying the end of the list

8 A linked list linked list: a collection that provides the list operations named previously, implemented using a linked sequence of nodes the list only needs to keep a reference to the first node (we might name it myFront)

9 LinkedList Class java.util.LinkedList implements List using linked nodes as the internal implementation

10 Some list states of interest
empty list (myFront == null) list with one element list with many elements

11 Let's draw them together...
an add operation at the front, back, and middle a remove operation a get operation a set operation an index of (searching) operation

12 Node implementation (int)
/* Stores one element of a linked list. */ public class IntNode { public int data; public Node next; public Node(int data) { this(data, null); } public Node(int data, Node next) { = data; = next;

13 Linked list implementation
/* Models an entire linked list. */ public class IntLinkedList { private Node myFront; public IntLinkedList() { myFront = null; } /* Methods go here */ fill unimplemented methods with thrown UnsupportedOperationException

14 Linked list methods // inserts given value at front
public void addFirst(int value) // returns true if no nodes are in list public boolean isEmpty() // returns number of elements public int size()

15 Linked list methods, cont'd.
// returns string representation of list public String toString() // appends given val at end public void addLast(int value) // inserts given value at given index public void add(int index, int value)

16 Linked list methods, cont'd.
// returns value at given index // (exception when index is OOB) public int get(int index) // sets element at given index to // have the given value, and returns it public int set(int index, int value)

17 Linked list methods, cont'd.
/ returns index of value in list; // -1 if value is not in the list public boolean indexOf(int value) // returns true if value is in list public boolean contains(int value) // removes all values from list public void clear()

18 Linked list methods, cont'd.
// removes and returns front value // (exception when list is empty) public int removeFirst() // removes and returns rear value public int removeLast() // removes,returns value at index // (exception when index is OOB) public void remove(int index)

19 Algorithm efficiency, in brief
operations that always execute a fixed number of statements are called "constant time" operations often called O(1) : "big-Oh of 1" or "order of 1" operations that take longer to perform if our list is longer are called "linear time" operations often called O(n) : "big-Oh of n" or "order of n", where n means the size of the list O(n) operations are slower and we want to avoid them when we can

20 Which methods are O(n)? METHOD addFirst(int) isEmpty() size()
toString() addLast(int) add(int, int) get(int) set(int, int) RUNTIME (Big-Oh) = O(_____)

21 Which methods are O(n)? Can we categorize which operations are slow?
indexOf(int) contains(int) clear() removeFirst() removeLast() remove(int) RUNTIME (Big-Oh) = O(_____) note which of them were slow because we had to get to the end of the list... (candidates for improvement by myBack reference) Can we categorize which operations are slow? What does this say about how to use our list?

22 A particularly slow idiom
// print every element of the list for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { int element = list.get(i); System.out.println(i + ": " + element); } This code executes an O(n) operation (get) every time through a loop that runs n times! Its runtime is O(n2), which is much worse than O(n) this code will take prohibitively long to run for large data sizes

23 The problem of position
The code on the previous slide is wasteful because it throws away the position each time it would be much better if we could somehow keep the list in place at each index as we looped through it Java uses special objects to represent a position of a list as it's being examined... these objects are called "Iterators"

24 Iterators in Java interface java.util.Iterator
public boolean hasNext() Returns true if there are more elements to see. public Object next() Returns the next object in this collection. Throws an exception if no more elements remain. public Object remove() Deletes the element that was last returned by next.

25 Iterator usage example
ArrayList names = new ArrayList(); //... // print every name in the list, in upper case Iterator itr = myList.iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { String nextElement = (String); System.out.println(nextElement.toUpperCase()); }

26 Benefits of iterators speed up iteration through linked lists
provide a unified way to examine all elements of a collection every collection in Java has an iterator method don't need to look up that collection's method names to see how to use it removes the hassle of managing indexes and worrying about out-of-bounds problems when examining a list's elements in order

27 An optimization: myBack
add a myBack pointer to the last node what benefits does this provide? which methods' Big-Oh runtime improves to O(1)? what complications does this add to the implementation of the methods of the list?

28 A variation: dummy header
dummy header: a front node intentionally left blank myFront always refers to dummy header (myFront will never be null) requires minor modification to many methods surprisingly, makes implementation much easier

29 References Koffman/Wolfgang Ch. 4, pp

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