By umaya,kuljit and nimra

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1 By umaya,kuljit and nimra
Egg parachute By umaya,kuljit and nimra

2 Background Ever wonder how a parachute works and were made?
The First Parachute was invented back in the 1470s during Renaissance Italy which featured a man clutching a cross bar frame attached to a conical canopy. Leonardo Da Vinci was able to make a parachute a lot more preferable as it was said to be made more favorable. An inventor named Fausto Veranzio modified Leonardo Da Vinci’s Parachute where he kept all of the details of Da Vinci’s parachute but changed the canopy with a sailing like piece of cloth. Ever wonder how a parachute works and were made? Parachutes helps slow down gravity to slow down the drop of our body and to also slow down the air resistance known as drag during a fall from a very high distance from the ground. Mainly used for life safety or during sky diving. And we’ll gladly explain the process in making parachutes

3 The first experiment

4 OBJECTIVES ❖ Find out which is the perfect size of the parachute itself. ❖ It at least has to stay on air and land as slow as possible and cause the least amount of damage to the egg ❖ Use two different sizes small and big. ❖ Make sure the variable of the parachute is strong enough before testing

5 MATERIALS By doing this experiment these
are the following materials we used. Plastic heavy-duty trash bag Plastic sandwich bags String Scissors Hole punch Eggs

6 We would expect that by doing this method on comparing two different sizes of plastic it would help us get the right size for making the parachute to cause the least amount of the damage to the egg

Size of the plastic bag Length (20 cm) Materials

8 PROCEDURE 1. Cut out two different sizes of plastic with the same shape a square. One a bigger size and another half of its own size which are 30 cm and 15 cm. 2. Make four holes on the parachute, one hole each sides of it’s corner using a puncher. 3. Cut eight strands of strings twenty cm long from a yarn and attach one strand on each corners of the parachutes by using tape 4. Add a mass that could help the parachute drop a tape could do the job. 5. You’re done making both parachutes now test both and see which experiment is better,the small one or the bigger one.

9 Although our experiment wasn’t really successful it was fine as it won’t be perfect as long as we all worked

10 Recordings of the drop Bigger parachute(30 cm) Smaller parachute(15cm)
Time when parachute is in air 4.4 seconds 2.1 seconds The second time 4.3 seconds 2.2 seconds Final drop 4.4seconds 2.4 seconds Average(30cm) 4.4 Average(15cm) 2.2

11 RESULTS We all decided that the size 30 cm is just fine with our parachute and that it would also be just the perfect size for least amount of damaging an egg as well. Making it drop at its best record by seconds.

12 ● We think that there might be
some tiny holes that could have made the parachute to fall faster because when we punched the corners of the plastic we accidentally punched a couple more holes which could affect our experiment ● The length of the strings could’ve been unequal as we reused the strings twice and it could have been damaged while testing the parachute. ● The timing when dropping a parachute and pressing the button of the timer may not be so precise as we can’t do it perfectly there could still be errors that we couldn’t have noticed this whole time.

13 That is the end of our presentation thank you

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