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Agenda 3/14/16 SB #9 Double Exposure Double Exposure Project

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Presentation on theme: "Agenda 3/14/16 SB #9 Double Exposure Double Exposure Project"— Presentation transcript:

1 Agenda 3/14/16 SB #9 Double Exposure Double Exposure Project SB #10: DE Brainstorming Turn in your CPR to the Student Share: submit a pptx with your last names and your .jpegs Call them yourlastname-CP1.jpeg Yourlastname-CP2.jpeg 5) Begin CPR Presentations 6) Shoot weekly photo challenge photos

2 SB #9: Review the Double Exposure Article. What is double exposure?
What subject matter is popular for double exposure photographs? Choose 1 artist that appeals to you from the article. Explain what you like about their double exposures. Choose 1 double exposure piece. Describe it in detail or draw a mini sketch of it. Explain why you like this artwork. What makes it visually dynamic?

3 SB #10: Brainstorm ideas for your double exposure project. What 2 images will you need to shoot for your first double exposure? Portrait with architecture, landscape, seascape, etc. Draw a thumbnail sketch of your idea. What 2 images will you need to shoot for your second double exposure? What 2 images will you need to shoot for your third double exposure?

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