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Solar & Lunar Eclipse.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar & Lunar Eclipse."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar & Lunar Eclipse

2 Lunar Eclipse When the moon passes directly behind the Earth, into its umbra

3 Umbra vs. Penumbra Umbra Penumbra
Darkest part of a shadow, where the light is completely blocked out Penumbra Region where only a portion of the light source is obscured

4 Total vs. Partial Lunar Eclipse
Total Lunar Eclipse When the moon travels completely into the Earths umbra. Partial Lunar Eclipse When only a portion of the moon enters the Earths umbra.

5 Partial Lunar Eclipse

6 Small vs. Large Light Source Will there be an umbra and penumbra?
Will the umbra and penumbra differ in size?

7 Solar Eclipse When the moon passes between the earth and the sun, completely or partially blocking the sun.

8 Total vs. Partial Eclipse
Total Eclipse: Can only be seen when you are standing completely within the Moon’s umbra. Partial Eclipse: Can be seen when standing in the Moon’s Penumbra.

9 Annular Eclipse

10 Annular Eclipse Antumbra: Why does this occur?
Region where the Earth appears entirely contained within the sun. Why does this occur? Because the Earth is orbiting close to its major axis What term do we know that explains this phenomenon? Orbital Eccentricity

11 Total or Annular Eclipse?
Total Eclipse Annular Eclipse

12 Moon Phases What phase must the moon be in for a lunar eclipse to occur? Full Moon What phase must the moon be in for a solar eclipse to occur? New Moon

13 Solar Eclipse Viewed From Earth

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