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Consist of three orbital parameters

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1 Consist of three orbital parameters
Senior Project - Computer Science – 2005 Simulating Milankovitch Cycles Derek Fox Advisor: Prof. Hemmendinger Client: Prof. Hollocher (Geology) Milankovitch Cycles Consist of three orbital parameters Eccentricity of orbit Obliquity of axis Precession How Milankovitch Cycles Affect Climate They determine the amount of solar insolation that reaches the latitudes of the Earth at a given time of year The cycles have been correlated to the advance and retreat of glaciers during ice ages This was verified in 1976 through the study of deep sea sediment cores that dated back 450,000 years. Three different Equations are used One for the latitudes where there is a sunrise and sunset Another for when there is no sunset (Arctic summer) A third for when there is no sunrise (Arctic winter) My Program Uses Milankovitch mathematics to visually simulate how solar insolation varies as the three cycles change Has graphs that show the insolation change for specific latitudes over time Has a model of the earth showing the insolation change at all latitude. Design Uses java for broad compatibility among different platforms Convenient for publishing to the web On the web at:

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