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Parts of Speech and Analogies

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Presentation on theme: "Parts of Speech and Analogies"— Presentation transcript:

1 Parts of Speech and Analogies
By: Peter

2 !!Introduction!! Interpreting figures of speech
Generalizing through analogies Are the two main topics of this slide show

3 Specific parts of speech
1.subject 2.sentence 3.prepositional phrase 4.object 5.infinitive phrase 6.compound verb object Main types of speech 1.adjective 2.adverb 3.conjunction 4.interjection 5.preposition 6.verb 7.noun 8.pronoun

4 <(-.-)>What analogies are
Analogies are matching words. For example……Chicken, Farm, Egg, and Rake are matching words


6 analogies Chicken+egg+ Rake+farm… They all match!!!!
Monkey+zoo+cage+tree They all match!!!!

7 What a verb and an noun are
A verb or compound verb asserts something about the subject and shows actions, events, or states of being.a noun is a word used to name a person animal place thing and abstract idea A noun is a word used to name a person, animal, place, thing, and abstract idea.

8 What a pronoun and adjective are
A noun can take the place of a noun or another pronoun An adjective modifies a noun or pronoun.

9 What an adverb and preposition are
An adverb can modify a verb, an adjective, a different adverb, a phrase, or a clause. A preposition links nouns, pronouns, and phrases to other words in a sentence.

10 What a conjunction and interjection are
You can use a conjunction to link words, phrases, and clauses. An interjection is a word added to a sentence to convey emotion.


12 !!!!!Quiz time!!!!!

13 Which one of the following is an analogy?
Milk, cow, eggs, and cheese Cats, rugs, pool, and chicken Window blinds, computers, and trash

14 Which is a type of speech?
A.Noodle B.Conjunction C.sentence

15 Which type of speech is added to a sentence to express emotions
A.Conjunction B.Adverb C.interjection

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