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Spartan Government Lesson 36 CHW 3MR.

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1 Spartan Government Lesson 36 CHW 3MR

2 Government in Sparta Maintaining a strong military was their sole goal! Spartan citizens were only adult males with both parents from citizen families Never more than official citizens

3 Most people in the city were helots—people who had been conquered by the Spartans and forced to work as slaves Spartans constantly feared a helot revolt so they valued order over liberty in government Government was an oligarchy government controlled by a very few

4 a) Two hereditary kings
One in charge of military, one in charge of government b) Ephors 5 overseers were elected each year by the citizens Directed the affairs of state Had the right to attend council meetings, summon the assembly and preside over its meetings. Could arrest and prosecute the kings if necessary Could decree punishment on anyone

5 c) Council of Elders (Gerousia)
Advised the kings 28 aristocrats over the age of 60 Prepared business for the assembly Acted as law court for important cases d) Assembly of Citizens All male citizens over 30 Met each month Debated legislation presented by the council Voted by shouting… loudest side won! Not really democratic as they didn’t get to make policy

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