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The Cold War and American Society

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1 The Cold War and American Society
Fearing subversive activity, the government tried to root out Communists in government, Hollywood, and labor unions, while Americans learned to live with the threat of nuclear attack.

2 A NEW RED SCARE Fear of Communist infiltration of the government tapped into fears that Communists were trying to take over the world. The Red Scare began in September 1945, when a clerk named Igor Gouzenko walked out the Soviet Embassy in Ottawa, Canada and defected. Gouzenko carried documents outlining Soviet spy activity in the US and Canada.

3 The Loyalty Review Program
The search for spies cause the general fear of Communist subversion. Subversion is the effort to weaken a society secretly and overthrow its government. Truman’s response- the establishment of the Loyalty Review Program, screened all federal employees for Communist activity. The program did not ease people’s fears. How do you define LOYALTY? 2,000 employees quit their jobs during the check, due to pressure. 212 were fired for “questionable loyalty”, although no actual evidence against them was uncovered.

4 Who That? HUAC House Un-American Activities Committee-investigated Communist and Fascist activities in the US. FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover expands committee’s importance by urging it to hold public hearings on Communist subversion. Wanted to expose Communist sympathizers and fellow travelers. Did this through using infiltraters and wiretapping.

5 Alger Hiss Hiss is a diplomat who had served in FDR’s administration, attended the Yalta Conference and taken part in organizing the UN. Hiss is named as being a Communist by Whittaker Chambers (Communist). Accused of giving secret documents and micro film. Congressmen Richard Nixon pusses HUAC. Hiss convicted of perjury.

6 The Rosenbergs Sensational spy case.
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg are a New York couple who were members of the Communist Party. Charged with heading a Soviet spy ring. Rosenbergs denied charges by were condemned to death for espionage. Executed in June 1953. Project Venona

7 McCarthyism- Joseph R. McCarthy
Republican Senator Announces to a women’s group that he has a list of 205 State Department employees who are Communist. Not True! Begins to search for disloyalty based on flimsy evidence and irrational fears. Damaged reputations with vague and unfounded charges. - McCartyism

8 McCarthy’s Downfall By 1945 McCarthy turns attention on Communists in the Army. Army-McCarthy hearings. Americans watched as McCarthy harassed and bullied officers about trivial details, accusing them of misconduct. American’s had had enough. “Have you no sense of decency?” Eventually the Senate passed a vote of censure, or formal disapproval, against McCarthy. McCarthy had lost all influence. Died in 1957.

9 Early Cold War Society Americans tried to deal with their fears of Communism in different ways. Survival Political Activism.

10 Facing the Bomb

11 Popular Culture in the Cold War
Worries about nuclear war and Communist spies filled the public’s imagination. Soon Cold War themes appeared in films, plays, television, songs and popular fiction. The Crucible I was a Communist for the FBI Atomic Boogie Hiroshima

12 Hollywood on Trial HUAC is fearful of Hollywood’s influence on American Society. Afraid Communists might manipulate it to spread their ideas and influence. “Are you now or have you ever been, a member of the Communist Party?” Hollywood Ten used their Fifth Amendment right. Quickly lead to the Blacklisting of 151 actors, directors, broadcasters, and screenwriters.



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