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Language disorders in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy:

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1 Language disorders in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy:
an underestimated condition? E. Del Prete, L. Tommasini, D. Frosini, S. Mazzucchi, A. Bruno, U. Bonuccelli, R. Ceravolo DIPARTIMENTO DI MEDICINA CLINICA E SPERIMENTALE, U.O. NEUROLOGIA, UNIVERSITÀ DI PISA, PISA

2 Background: PSP is characterized by specific neuropsychiatric and cognitive dysfunction. The pattern of early cognitive impairment in PSP is usually a dysexecutive frontal syndrome but language domains could also be affected. New criteria for clinical diagnosis of PSP have recently been published by the Movement Disorders Society. Cognitive dysfunction is now considered one of four core features and speech/language deficit is gaining more relevance. Hoglinger, Movement Disorders, 2017

3 Objectives: we aimed to investigate executive functions and languages abilities in PSP patients and in Progressive Supranuclear Palsy subgroups [PSP-Richardson’s Syndrome (PSP-RS) and PSP-non-RS] according to new Movement Disorders Society criteria. PSP-RS PSP-RS PSP with Richardson’s syndrome PSP-OM PSP with predominant ocular motor dysfunction PSP-PI PSP with predominant postural instability PSP-P PSP with predominant parkinsonism PSP-F PSP with predominant frontal presentation PSP-CBS PSP with predominant CBS PSP-PGF PSP with progressive gait freezing PSP-SL PSP with predominant speech/ language disorder PSP-non-RS

4 Methods 22 PSP patients Clinical Evaluation 15 PSP-RS
7 PSP-non-RS (3 PSP-CBS, 3 PSP-P, 1 PSP-SL) Clinical Evaluation PSP-Rating Scale Apathy Evaluation Scale; Beck Depression Inventory II Global cognitive status (MMSE), Attention & Working Memory (Digit Span Foward & Backward), Executive Functions (FAB) Languages Abilities La SAND è composta da queste prove: denominazione, comprensione di frasi, comprensione di parole, ripetizione di parole e non parole, ripetizione di frasi, lettura, scrittura, associazione semantica, descrizione di figura (unità informative, numero totale di parole, sostantivi su parole, verbi su parole, numero di frasi, subordinate su frasi tot, numero di sequenze autocorrette, numero di errori fonologici, numero di errori semantico-lessicali). FAS, Semantic Fluency Test, AAT naming test and SAND (Screening for Aphasia in NeuroDegeneration)

5 Results Cerchiare prima fab poi insieme verbi e sub Poi altre tabelle

6 The presence of language disorders could be part of PSP-RS phenotype.
Results * * The presence of language disorders could be part of PSP-RS phenotype. In our cohort PSP-RS show simplified syntactic structures with paucity of used verbs even if the impairment does not meet criteria for definite agrammatism. * Cerchiare prima fab poi insieme verbi e sub Poi altre tabelle

7 Grazie per l’attenzione

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