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Types of Myofilaments.

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1 Types of Myofilaments

2 Thick Filaments (Myosin)‏
Called the “Motor Protein” part of the muscle fiber that moves ATPase enzymes will split ATP to get energy for movement Extend the entire length of the A band of a muscle bundle (dark)‏ Contains studded ends called cross- bridges which are used to attach and link to actin (light bands)‏


4 Thin Filaments (Actin)‏
Composed of the protein actin Anchored to the Z-disc These filaments overlap the thick (myosin) filaments in an area called the H-zone During contraction the Myosin pulls the actin threads towards the middle of the sarcomere Cause the muscle to shorten and bulge during a contraction Immobile protein


6 Sarcoplasmic Recticulum (SR)‏
Fluid filled system of sacs found in the space around the muscle fibers Encircles each myofibril Like smooth endoplasmic recticulum Stores Calcium ions Release of the calcium ions is the trigger for a muscle contraction


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