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Vocabulary 1.

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1 Vocabulary 1

2 herculean tremendous in size, strength, difficulty, or effort

3 bowdlerize To remove or change parts considered vulgar or immoral

4 pandemonium utter confusion or wild uproar

5 pander play up to another’s desires and weaknesses

6 quixotic idealistic but not practical

7 cynical doubting the goodness and sincerity of human motives

8 stoical indifferent to pain or pleasure

9 stigma mark of disgrace

10 impede hinder; obstruct

11 expedite speed up; hasten


13 vociferous noisy; loudly insistent

14 evocative calling up; producing

15 avocation hobby

16 irrevocable unchangeable

17 equivocate using words unclearly in order to mislead


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