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HUMR Ethnic Challenges to the Nation-State

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1 HUMR5501-07 Ethnic Challenges to the Nation-State
Introduction N. Butenschøn 2007

2 Course content This course addresses challenges faced by States with cultural/ethnic heterogeneous populations within their borders. Normative Political Legal N. Butenschøn 2007

3 Methodological design
Multi-disciplinary and comparative perspectives on legal and political orders N. Butenschøn 2007

4 The human rights perspective
How these legal and political orders relate to the standards of the international human rights system. Particular learning outcomes: Collective (aspects of) rights in international human rights law; Challenges for their implementation at the national level; The formation of group identity; Problems and tensions in guaranteeing the implementation of individual rights while considering group claims. N. Butenschøn 2007

5 Important concepts Democray Ethnicity Nationalism Autonomy Federalism
Citizenship Self-determination Indigenous rights Non-discrimination Etc. N. Butenschøn 2007

6 Relevance for the MA-program
An exercise in multidisciplinarity Addresses ongoing discourses on Individual vs collective rights; Universal vs particularistic rights; Political vs ESC rights; The role of the state in ”conflict zone” between majorities and minorities. N. Butenschøn 2007

7 Lectures 1. Tuesday 21. August: Introduction to the course.
Nils Butenschøn and Maria Lundberg 2. Thursday 23. August: Political responses I. Nils Butenschøn 3. Tuesday 4. September: Political Responses II. 4. Tuesday 11. September: Theories of group formation Kjetil Tronvoll 5. Tuesday 2. October: Legal Reponses I Maria Lundberg 6. Tuesday 9. October: Legal Reponses II 7. Tuesday 16. October: Legal Reponses III N. Butenschøn 2007

8 Seminars Case studies;
Student presentations – three students on each case. Organised by students/Bente; Presented to class and in-house expert. N. Butenschøn 2007

9 Seminars/ Student presentations
Tuesday 6. November: China Maria Lundberg Friday 9. November: Ethiopia Kjetil Tronvoll Tuesday 13. November: Israel/Palestine Nils Butenschøn Friday 16. November: Indonesia Knut Asplund N. Butenschøn 2007

10 Exam: Written assignment
Handed out 11 September; To be submitted 1 December; Apply a legal approach, a social science approach, or a combination; Must address themes in the required reading list and at least one of the empirical cases discussed in the seminars. N. Butenschøn 2007

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