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Hardy’s Adventures By Mr.Kurz Let’s Go!.

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Presentation on theme: "Hardy’s Adventures By Mr.Kurz Let’s Go!."— Presentation transcript:

1 Hardy’s Adventures By Mr.Kurz Let’s Go!

2 Hardy is a famous explorer in Kirkland Lake
Hardy is a famous explorer in Kirkland Lake. He always has exciting adventures. Princess Adventure What adventure do you want to read about? Pirate Adventure

3 One day when Hardy was sailing the high seas he spotted a pirate ship off in the distance.
Attack the Pirate Ship Eat Supper

4 Hardy picked up a cannon ball as the pirate ship closed in.
Pirates Sail Away Fire Cannon

5 He shot the cannon at the pirates and sunk their ship! Hooray for Hardy!

6 Those silly pirates knew they were no match for Hardy
Those silly pirates knew they were no match for Hardy! They sailed away with their tales between their legs. ARR! THE END Start

7 Hardy sailed to shore. He and his First Mate Theo made a fire to cook supper.
Pirates Crash Supper Pirates Sail Away

8 It turns out these were friendly pirates
It turns out these were friendly pirates! After supper they sang songs and went to sleep. THE END Start

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