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Judgment, Heaven, hell, purgatory

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Presentation on theme: "Judgment, Heaven, hell, purgatory"— Presentation transcript:

1 Judgment, Heaven, hell, purgatory
The last things Judgment, Heaven, hell, purgatory

2 Judgment Particular judgment: happens at the time of death
Determines our destination 2 Cor 5:10 Jesus on judgment: Luke 16:19-31 rich man and Lazarus What does each passage tell us? Final judgment (also called the general judgment) God’s final victory over evil at the second coming When all will be revealed Will show the victory of Gods justice

3 Final things Heaven: our eternal and complete union with God, the angels, saints, loved ones… Where we will enjoy the beatific vision the face to face vision of God as he really is Jesus’ death and resurrection gives us access to Heaven We will be united with God but will retain our in, individual identity Symbols used for heaven: Wedding feast, light, peace, paradise, … Describe heaven: what will it be like, who will you see there, …

4 Final things Purgatory: final purification for those who will enter Heaven 2 Macabees 12:39-46 We must first be freed from all imperfections, let go of all attachments Process of letting go of sin Will see how we affected others….

5 Final things Hell: to die unrepentant, to refuse and deny God
Eternal separation from God Matthew 25:41-46 Matthew 13:41-42 Matthew 13:47-50 What does each of the above tell us?

6 Hell Who goes to hell? Is anyone predestined for hell?
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