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2008 MDs Helmut Burkhardt, Rama Calaga, Wolfgang Hoefle, Riccardo de Maria, Elias Metral, Giulia Papotti, Giovanni Rumolo, Benoit Salvant, Bruno Spataro,

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Presentation on theme: "2008 MDs Helmut Burkhardt, Rama Calaga, Wolfgang Hoefle, Riccardo de Maria, Elias Metral, Giulia Papotti, Giovanni Rumolo, Benoit Salvant, Bruno Spataro,"— Presentation transcript:

1 2008 MDs Helmut Burkhardt, Rama Calaga, Wolfgang Hoefle, Riccardo de Maria, Elias Metral, Giulia Papotti, Giovanni Rumolo, Benoit Salvant, Bruno Spataro, Simon White, PSB, PS and SPS Operation teams Many thanks for their help to: Gianluigi Arduini, Thomas Bohl, Karel Cornelis, Heiko Damerau, Simone Gilardoni, Trevor Linnecar, Django Manglunki, Rende Steerenberg, Jorg Wenninger, and the Physics coordinators.

2 Objectives of the MDs Observe characteristics of the fast instability at injection Learn more on the transverse impedance of the SPS

3 Setup for MDs Beam MD1 in the SPS (single bunch, low longitudinal emittance (0.15 eVs), at injection) Low vertical chromaticity Measuring with Headtail monitor Exponential pickup Wall current monitor Qmeter BCT Tomoscope (PS and PS booster)

4 Issue with exponential pickup

5 Intensity scans

6 Intensity scan 30 sept 2008 Tune step??????
Chromaticity was probably too low Tune step??????

7 Intensity scan 30 sept 2008

8 Unstable cycle 4611

9 High frequency noise Hanning window around the bunch  the noise does not belong to the bunch signal

10 Fft data from exponential PU
Fft data from exponential PU (windowed)

11 Headtail monitor Headtail monitor with comb filter

12 RF off


14 RF off Turn by turn fft Time domain Turn by turn fft With comb filter

15 To be continued…

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