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Presentation on theme: "ADVENTURE AT THE PRINCIPAL'S ROOM"— Presentation transcript:

6A Hui Yin Fung

2 Principal’s room One day, two curious students, Tom and Paul, wanted to find out that what was in the principal’s room.

3 Principal’s room On the way to the principal’s room Tom kept thinking of the things in the principal’s room. He thought that there were some new inventions there.

4 They opened the door quietly. ”Oh. Here is so much dust. ” Said Tom
They opened the door quietly. ”Oh! Here is so much dust!” Said Tom. They couldn’t find any interesting things there.

5 They could only find a lot of books there. They felt very bored there
They could only find a lot of books there. They felt very bored there. They decided to leave.

6 Suddenly, a man came into the room, it was the principal
Suddenly, a man came into the room, it was the principal. They quickly hid behind a valuable big vase.

7 They found a box near the vase. There was a toy car inside
They found a box near the vase. There was a toy car inside. They liked it very much.

8 They took the toy car and put the box back
They took the toy car and put the box back. But they broke the vase carelessly.

9 The principal was very scared because he
thought that there was a thief. He looked at the broken vase. He saw Tom and Paul.

10 He was very angry because the two boys
broke the most valuable thing in his room. The boys were scared too.

11 …………………… The principal scolded them angrily “Don’t you know that a good student shouldn’t come into the principal’s room without permission?”

12 ……………………… Tom and Paul didn’t answer. The principal kept scolding them “You should be obedient and study hard.”

13 We promise … Tom and Paul promised not to do this again and would be good students. They returned the toy car to the principal.

14 They went back home and studied very hard for the coming exam.

15 Finally, they got very good results of the
Thank you, principal! Finally, they got very good results of the exam. They said “Thank you, principal!” when they got the results.



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