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Close Reading Tips for Success.

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Presentation on theme: "Close Reading Tips for Success."— Presentation transcript:

1 Close Reading Tips for Success

2 Close Reading: What is it?
Close, analytic reading stresses engaging with a text of sufficient complexity directly and examining meaning thoroughly and methodically, encouraging students to read and reread deliberately. Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers Reading something enough times so you can understand it, explain it to someone else, and ask and answer questions about it using evidence from the text. Scholastic

3 Number the Paragraphs Common Core → Cite and select evidence from text
Number by: paragraph, stanza Left margin Facilitate discussion with ease

4 Chunk the Text Smaller sections = manageable text
Draw a horizontal line between paragraphs No right or wrong way to chunk text, but do so with purpose Paragraphs 1 – 3 → Focus on the hook and thesis statement Paragraphs 6 – 8 → Author addresses the opposing veiwpoint

5 Underline and Circle…With Purpose!
Important stuff → what is important? Be specific: Poetry → examples of imagery Argument → claims or belief statements Key terms Are defined within the text Appear repeatedly

6 Left Margin: What is the author SAYING?
Summarize each chunk 10 words or less

7 Right Margin: Dig deeper into the Text!
Each chunk = Specific task Use a power verb to describe what the author is doing (describing, illustrating, arguing). Compare two characters (Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn) Represent the chunk with a visual Ask questions

8 Sample

9 Use Shorter Text Literature: folktales, legends, myths, fables, as well as short stories, poetry, and scenes from plays Informational: articles, biographies, personal narratives, and some primary-source materials

10 ??? Questions? Further PD?

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