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Science 7.

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1 Science 7

2 Review from Last Class…
Did you…? Finish your Brainpop Hypothesis Worksheet and put it in the pass in bin? Finish your Mobius Strip Hypothesis activity and hand it in?

3 Variables There are 3 different types of variables
Dependent Independent Controlled/Constants Variables are what changes and can be changed throughout an experiment Scientists need to be aware of variables so that their experiment is valid


5 Independent Variables
The variable that we intentionally control and change Ex: Tim and Moby changed the amount of water the plant received

6 Variables Example

7 Graphing and Reporting

8 Dependent Variable The responding variable, the variable that may or may not change as a result of changing the independent variable Ex: In Tim and Moby’s experiment it is the plant growth It depends on manipulation of the independent variable

9 Variables Example

10 Graphing and Reporting

11 Controlled Variables All other conditions that “can” vary but that we attempt to control in order to prevent our results from being skewed Ex: Tim and Moby would place all plants in the same window so they receive the same amount of light; they all receive water from the same tap so they are all exposed to the same water contents, and each plant is watered using 2 cups of water so they all receive the same amount per watering etc.

12 Variables Example

13 ICA- Variables- Simpson Science
On the worksheet there is a spot to identify the IV, DV, and controlled variables You must also include a hypothesis in the: If__(IV)___, then ___(DV)___, because________ format. These are to be handed in once completed to the pass in bin

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