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By: Lexi Wright & Autumn Heath

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1 By: Lexi Wright & Autumn Heath
Suicide By: Lexi Wright & Autumn Heath

2 Suicide is …. The intentional taking of one’s own life.

3 Main reasons for teen suicide attempts:
Feeling hopeless Fear of disappointing others Bullying Trying to fit in socially Problems with relationships and friendships

4 Suicide among teenagers:
Second leading death in ages 10-24 Girls most common to attempt overdose. Boys most common to try more lethal ways.

5 One time is bad but twice???
After having psychological help 20% of makes attempt again 58% of girls attempt suicide twice. Many teens self harm before attempting

6 All in one location: 422 total hospitalized suicide attempts
115 attempts made by 112 boys 303 attempts made by 247 girls

7 The number of suicide attempts DAILY in the year of 2016.
5,240 The number of suicide attempts DAILY in the year of 2016.

8 Of all high school students seriously considered attempting.
19.3% Of all high school students seriously considered attempting.

9 Seeking help: Trusted adults Therapy & counseling
Suicide hotline Hotline is available 24/7 Completely confidential

10 Look out for: Talking about killing oneself or harming
Strong feeling of hopelessness or being trapped Unusual goodbye calls and visits A sudden switch out of depression ⅘ teens that attempt show warning signs like these 14.5% planned out their attempts

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