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Science Review Jeopardy Darwin and his theory

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1 10 20 30 40 50 Science Review Jeopardy Darwin and his theory
Evolution…it takes a really long time Darwin and his theory I hope this extra horn helps me survive! Genes and Alleles and Sex Surprise me; I will review anything! 10 20 30 40 50 bonus

2 This is the process where populations change over long periods of time.

3 The Theory of Evolution is supported by independent lines of evidence of genetics, geology, comparative anatomy, and these. Category

4 Evolution and diversity in organisms are the result of environmental factors and this.

5 Large differences in appearance and characteristics between descendant and ancestral organisms can be explained by this.

6 This can occur when a population becomes separated by geologic features and adapts differently resulting in reproductive isolation.

7 Darwin’s idea that the process in which individuals that are better adapted to their environment will survive and reproduce compared to those that are not is better known as this theory.

8 According to Darwin’s theory of natural selection, this may happen to species that lack adaptations suited for their environment.

9 This term describes the struggle between organisms for resources, which can include food and habitat.

10 One of the four parts of Darwin’s theory of natural selection, this is what allows well adapted organisms to pass on desirable traits.

11 Observing the different variations of these birds helped Darwin conclude that natural selection is the mechanism of evolution.

12 This term describes a characteristic that improves an individual’s ability to survive and to reproduce in their environment.

13 This term describes the diversity of traits within a population.

14 These “factors” ultimately select which adaptations are best.

15 A population with a high level of this is much more likely to survive changes in environmental conditions. Conversely, populations with low levels of this are more likely to face extinction.

16 Adaptations in an individual may be the result of expected genetic variation, which is caused by this, the random change in the sequence of the genes or DNA.

17 An inherited trait can be determined by this many genes.

18 This simple 3 letter word is the name of the female sex cell.

19 In most cases, this type of allele will determine the phenotype produced.

20 During sexual reproduction, offspring inherit this fraction of their genes from their mother and this fraction of their genes from their father.

21 During sexual reproduction, this term describes the combining of the male and female haploid (sex) cells to form a single diploid cell.

22 This “color” of light is a mixture of all wavelengths of visible light.

23 These structures prevent the backflow of blood in the heart.

24 In order for an object to be seen by the human eye, it must either emit light, or do this.

25 According to scientists, this is the approximate age of the Earth.

26 This organ, which attaches to the wall of the uterus, allows for the exchange of gas and nutrients between the mother and developing fetus.


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