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Injury Prevention and Safety during Severe Weather Conditions

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1 Injury Prevention and Safety during Severe Weather Conditions
Chris Needham PED 362 flooding This site gives great information and tips of what a person should do during a flood, what supplies they need, and what they should do after a flood. Tornado This site goes into great detail about what to do during a tornado such as the signs of a approaching storm and the do’s an don’ts of seeking shelter Winter Storms This sight deals specifically with what a person can do before, during, and after a storm to keep safe and warm. It gives specific information that a person can do to be prepared for the upcoming winter storm Thunder Storm Extreme Heat This site gives extra links and details to prevent injury and to keep safe. When there is an electric storm. The site emphasizes the importance of having a safety plan, and gives tips of what to stay away from when there is a thunder storm This site gives highlights and facts that are useful for people of all ages. It gives you good information on the people most prone to getting extreme heat and it gives strategies to stay hydrated and to best counteract extreme heat situations

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