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Aamir Ashiqali, Reilly Elementary School Chris Etapa, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy Suzanne Olds, Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern University.

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Presentation on theme: "Aamir Ashiqali, Reilly Elementary School Chris Etapa, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy Suzanne Olds, Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern University."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aamir Ashiqali, Reilly Elementary School Chris Etapa, Gunsaulus Scholastic Academy Suzanne Olds, Biomedical Engineering Department, Northwestern University ASEE K12 Workshop June 17, 2006

2 Session Agenda General Overview History plus introductions Challenge Structure of unit Legacy Cycle Hands-on activity - Disability Awareness

3 Overview 2-5 week hands-on engineering challenge to middle school students Addresses many state and national learning standards in science, math, technology, language arts, and social science

4 Challenge Shown in separate window

5 Structure of the unit

6 Lesson Format Some lessons take more than one day All lessons are now in the structure of the Legacy Cycle

7 What is a Legacy Cycle? An instructional framework that incorporates findings from educational research on how people best learn. 4 centerednesses of How People Learn (HPL) Knowledge-centeredness Student-centeredness Assessment-centeredness Community-centeredness Legacy Cycle Challenge Generate Ideas Multiple Perspectives Research and Revise Test Your Mettle Go Public

8 Legacy Cycle Steps Challenge - Question that engages the students and requires them to look at current knowledge and preconceptions. Generate Ideas – An activity that causes students to display and compile their current knowledge/ideas/perceptions. Multiple Perspectives - Other resources that provide information related to the topic of the challenge. Research and Revise – Activities that students engage in to help students revise their original ideas based on new information Test Your Mettle – Formative assessments that enable students evaluate the depth of their learning Research and Revise. Go Public - Final conclusion(s) that students display. Legacy Cycle Challenge Generate Ideas Multiple Perspective s Research and Revise Test Your Mettle Go Public

9 Its your turn… Lesson 3 will be distributed Chris will give an overview of entire lesson You will do the Disability Awareness activity embedded in this lesson.

10 Lesson 3 Overview Main challenge: What features should your prosthesis include? Legacy cycle format 4 activities in Research and Revise Disability Awareness Activity Afghan, Culture, Geography, and Demographics Cross Cultural Comparisons Activity Artificial Limbs PowerPoint slides/discussion Extension Activities

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