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8th Grade Literary essay

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1 8th Grade Literary essay

2 Literary Essay prompt-
After reading a text, study and consider the themes presented by the author throughout the text. After making inferences about what the author wanted readers to understand, determine how the author reveals a theme through character development. Then, determine a relationship between theme and character development to create an arguable claim about the theme. Use textual evidence to support the claim(s) as you construct a literary essay.

3 Theme- When we refer to the theme of a book, we are talking about a universal idea, lesson, or message that stretches through the entire story. A theme may show up in a pattern (such as reoccurring examples of beauty in simplicity) or a theme may come through as the result of a buildup (like the gradual realization that war is tragic, not noble). It is often a lesson that we learn about life or people.

4 Theme Examples Circle of Life Coming of Age Dangers of Ignorance
Emptiness of Attaining False Dream Faith versus Doubt Good versus Evil Greed Immortality Loyalty Love Self-sacrifice & Honor Empathy Individual identity Preserving Childhood Innocence

5 Making a Claim- In Lois Lowry’s novel The Giver, Jonas discovers the emptiness of the utopian society as he learns about everything the community is missing. **Notice how the claim shows the relationship between the character development & the theme.

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