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Fishery General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean

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1 2017 BLACK SEA STAKEHOLDER CONFERENCE ON BLUE ECONOMY, 15 September 2017, Batumi (Georgia)
Fishery General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean Commission générale des pêches pour la Méditerranée Georgia

2 Main Stakeholders responsible for
the Environmental and Natural Resource protection in Georgia The Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources Protection of Georgia Carry out the policy of management and usage of fish resource Issue fishing licenses Control of conditions of fishing licenses Approve management plan, quotas of fish resources Perform state controls of usage Natural Resources, including illegal use of Natural Resources Develop strategies, and taking all the necessary measures for the management of this sector

3 Other authorities responsible for the Fishery Sector in Georgia
Ministry of Agriculture - is supporting agricultural, food and processing industry in the country, ensuring veterinary-sanitary security in the process of production, storage, processing, transportation and sales of animal raw materials and products. Ministry of Economy and Sustainable Development - Maritime Transport Agency – Flag State Control, Survey of the Vessels flying under Georgian Flag, Maintaining of Port State Control etc. Scientific institutions – Ilia state university which carries out fishery research and others. Non governmental organizations; Fishers Etc. Develope strategies, and taking all the necessary measures for the management of this sector. ადმინისტრაციული მუხლის მითითება 3

4 EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 November 2013
Fisheries policy Article 335 Article 336 Cooperation in the fisheries sector, including: Conservation and management of living aquatic resources; Inspection and control Data collection; The fight against illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing - as defined in the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO) International Plan of Action (IPOA) of 2001 to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal unlimited and unregulated (IUU) fishing. This cooperation will respect the international obligations of the Parties concerning management and conservation of living aquatic resources Exchange information and provide support to promote: Good governance and best practices in fisheries management with a view to ensuring conservation and management of fish stocks in a sustainable manner, and based on the principle of ecosystem approach; Responsible fishing and fisheries management consistent with the principles of sustainable development, so as to conserve fish stocks and ecosystems in a healthy state; Regional cooperation including through Regional Fisheries Management Organisations as deemed appropriate.

5 EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 November 2013
Fisheries policy Article 338 Article 337 To ensure the implementation of a policy ensuring sustainable fisheries based on the EU acquis and priority areas of interest for the Parties in this field, including: Management of living aquatic resources, fishing effort and technical measures; Inspection and control of fishing activities, using the necessary surveillance equipment, including electronic monitoring devices and traceability tools, as well as ensuring enforceable legislation and control mechanisms; Harmonised collection of compatible catch, landing, fleet, biological and economic data; Management of fishing capacity, including a fleet register covering a functioning fishing fleet register; Market efficiency, in particular by promoting producer organisations, providing information to consumers and through marketing standards and traceability; Development of a structural policy for the fisheries sector providing sustainability in economic, environment and social terms. Taking into account the best scientific advice, the Parties shall strengthen the cooperation and coordination of their activities in the field of management and conservation of living aquatic resources in the Black Sea. To promote regional cooperation in the Black Sea and relations with relevant Regional Fisheries Management Organisations, as appropriate.

6 EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 November 2013
Maritime policy Article 339 Cooperation in the spheres of fisheries, sea-related transport, environment and other policies, and in accordance with the relevant international agreements on the law of the sea based on United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, the Parties shall also develop cooperation on an integrated maritime policy.

7 EU-Georgia Association Agreement, Vilnius, Lithuania, 29 November 2013
Ongoing Implementation Georgian Black Sea fish and fish products will be exported in the European market Electronic monitoring, reporting and accounting systems EU’s decision Improving control and traceability EU officially approved the decision and allowed the Black Sea fish and fish products to enter the European market EU included Georgia to the list of third countries, henceforth Georgian Black Sea fish and fish products will be exported in the European market system will improve accounting and reporting processes of extracted fish resources, bycatch monitoring and control, will minimize illegal fishing, as like as unregistered and irregular cases

8 Electronic Monitoring System
Black Sea Convention Service Seiner lack experience in managing above mentioned e-monitoring system, we need technical assistance on this issues improve monitoring, control and surveillance (MCS) systems, including the development of electronic monitoring systems Electronic monitoring system will increase the efficiency of the state control and monitoring

9 There are four types of fishery in Georgia:
Sport and amateur fishing - is free of charge for all inhabitant of Georgia. It does not need the fishing licenses. This type of fishing is permitted for personal use only; Coastal Fishing -in the Black Sea 300 metres and more from the shore The Scientific fishery - does not need also fishery license, but it needs assent from corresponding administrative authority. ადმინისტრაციული მუხლის მითითება Comertial Fishery - capture fishery in internal waters and in the Black Sea 300 metres and more far from the shore is subject to licensing

10 General Problems in the Black Sea
Decline in commercial marine living resources; Degradation of the Black Sea marine and coastal biodiversity and habitats; Eutrophication Invasion Despite the activities for supporting sustainable capture of fish by government, high level of illegal fishery, spreading of invasive species in the Black Sea and lack of qualified staff in the appropriate government and scientific bodies are still significant problems for the sector. All these General Problems in the Black Sea, including Invasion and Eutrophication are included in the National Environmental Action Plan and National Biodiversity Strategy Action Plan of Georgia; (Strategy and action Plan/Programme for direction – Black Sea)

11 Scientific research in the Black Sea
The competence of the Ministry of Environment Protection and Natural Resources of Georgia, National Environmental Agency : Organizes a system for monitoring the Black Sea; Conducts scientific research of the black sea biodiversity. The leading experts of Georgia, Ukraine and EU countries are conducting joint research on the Black Sea Environmental Monitoring (EMBLAS), by the scientific-research vessel “Mare Nigrum” 11

12 Fishery sector development
Cooperation between Black Sea countries: To ensure harmonization of Laws and regulations on fisheries with EU standards To Create a scientific network in the Black Sea countries and to integrate and harmonize scientific data collection system relevant with EU networks To harmonize data quality, data collection and analyses with EU standards and to establish databases, websites and national/regional information systems To develop cooperation, collaboration and coordination in scientific research amongst Black Sea Countries within the BlckSea4Fish project .

13 Fishery sector development
Needs To share best practices in fisheries management, Inspection and control sector (trainings, joint inspection etc.), Institutional capacity building of responsible governmental agency for control of the fishery sector To have necessary surveillance equipment, including electronic monitoring devices and traceability tools, for inspection and control of fishing activities To prevent, deter and eliminate illegal unlimited and unregulated (IUU) fishing To establish self-reporting and monitoring electronic system for fishing vessels To provide with necessary technical assistance (ex. TAIEX etc.) and support for the development of the electronic monitoring system, to fully understand the technology and the process of electronic monitoring system

14 Fishery Sector Development
Needs to improve the management of coastal fishing Assistance to intensify aquaculture production and bring it to higher level Implementation of the BlackSea4Fish project Which facilitate carrying out of regular stock assessment Updating and harmonizing Georgian national legislation in light of relevant GFCM and EU requirements in the field of fisheries Institutional capacity building of the Scientific institutions Regional cooperation including through Regional Fisheries Management Organisations as deemed appropriate.

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