Ben Franklin’s Autobiography

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1 Ben Franklin’s Autobiography
Virtue Presentations

2 To do list: Rephrase in current, colloquial language
Explain how virtue is related to American Dream Who needs this advice? Who is a perfect example of this virtue? Do you agree or disagree with Franklin’s advice. Explain reasoning.

3 Example: Temperance. Eat not to dullness; drink not to elevation
Don’t gorge yourself; don’t get drunk Drinking and eating too much is a waste of time and money that could be spent working toward achieving the American Dream (saving for a house, studying, etc.) King Henry VIII Carla Hall, healthy chef (Top Chef; Top Chef Masters; The Chew) Practicing moderation will help people find balance in their life; however, denying oneself can also distract someone from achieving their goals and is almost always unsustainable. In our society, we often celebrate this type of excess, (The Biggest Loser, ideal body images) but it can be just as destructive as gorging on food and alcohol (eating disorders, money spent on weight-loss drugs, extreme dieting, body-image issues, etc.).

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