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Night Final Analysis: Religion

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1 Night Final Analysis: Religion
How is Elie’s struggle to maintain his faith in God evident in Night? Examine and analyze how Wiesel represents this struggle in his memoir. Take me through Wiesel’s journey by providing evidence from the text from start to finish.

2 Night Final Analysis: Father/Son Bond
Wiesel encounters a number of father/son relationships during his time in Auschwitz. Why does Wiesel focus on these relationships? What do they show? Examine & analyze these relationships in comparison to Elie & his father. How does their relationship evolve throughout the memoir? What has each come to represent to the other?

3 Night Final Analysis: Fire, Night, & Silence
Explain the symbolic significance behind Wiesel’s use of fire, night, & silence throughout Night. Examine how Wiesel uses these motifs. Provide specific examples from Wiesel’s memoir & explain their significance/meaning. Note: A motif is reoccurring image, sound, action, or figure that has a symbolic significance and contributes toward the development of theme.

4 Night Final Analysis: Indifference
What role does indifference play in Night? Think about what Wiesel said about indifference in his interview with Oprah. How does indifference allow evil and hatred to flourish? Cite specific examples from Wiesel’s memoir.

5 Night Final Analysis: Inhumanity
Night demonstrates that cruelty breeds cruelty – but only because the Nazis started the cruel cycle. Examine the dehumanization process & its impact on prisoners. Note: Instead of comforting each other in times of difficulty, prisoners turn against each other. Self-preservation became the highest virtue. Elie cannot make sense of this world; disillusioned.

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