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Eating Disorders.

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Presentation on theme: "Eating Disorders."— Presentation transcript:

1 Eating Disorders

2 Eating Disorders COMPLEX and devastating conditions that can have serious consequences on physical and emotional health and relationships An estimated 3-6% will die—a higher death rate than for any other mental illness


4 Causes of Eating Disorders
Cultural foundation—desire for bodily perfection Feelings of low self-worth Feelings of lack of control Pressure to maintain a certain weight for sport or other activity

5 Anorexia Signs and Symptoms
Weight loss Intense, persistent fear of gaining weight Compulsive behaviors (exercise, counting calories, changing clothes) Refusal to eat, dieting, denial of hunger

6 Anorexia symptoms cont.
Excessive facial/body hair Sensitivity to cold Absent or irregular menstruation Hair loss

7 How does it hurt the body?
Heart, kidney, and liver damage Dehydration Electrolyte (sodium and potassium) imbalance

8 Bulimia Binge eating (usually in secret) followed by purging (vomiting, laxatives, and diuretics)

9 Signs or Symptoms Preoccupation with food Compulsive exercise Swollen salivary glands Broken blood vessels in eyes

10 How does it hurt the body?
Esophageal tears Dehydration Tooth/gum erosion Electrolyte imbalance

11 Psychological Repercussions
Depression Shame and guilt Distorted body image Withdrawal Impaired family and social relationships perfectionism

12 How to help Professional assessment/intervention is required and available Be consistent; insist that they need help Listen with understanding, respect, and sensitivity

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