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Riverine Ecosystems Energy sources: allochthonous + autochthonous

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Presentation on theme: "Riverine Ecosystems Energy sources: allochthonous + autochthonous"— Presentation transcript:

1 Riverine Ecosystems Energy sources: allochthonous + autochthonous
Interrelated Utilized by different functional groups of organisms How do the relationships change from headwaters to mouth?

2 X-section of a typical stream
Photosynthesis Geology Temperature Nutrients Current Photosynthesis Detritus CPOM Plants Algae FPOM 1o Production Grazers Collectors Shredders Predators 2o Production

3 River continuum Concept (RCC)
Vannote, R.L., G.W. Minshall, K.W. Cummings, J.R. Sedell, and C.E. Cushing The River Continuum Concept. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 37: General outline of how a river changes along its length Physical dimensions Changing energy inputs Changes in community of organisms

4 River Continuum Concept

5 Shaded headwater stream, Ohio
Shaded headwater stream, Ohio

6 Outlet to Crescent Lake, Pocono Watershed, Monroe Co., PA

7 What are some features of headwater streams?

8 Hypothetical headwater stream conditions
Typical of Eastern deciduous forest Flows through heavily shaded forest riparian canopy Narrow Stream bottom rocky or sandy: depends upon geological characteristics of drainage

9 Where does the energy come from?

10 Hypothetical headwater stream conditions
Low light + low nutrients: Low algal and macrophyte growth Mosses 1o primary producers CPOM from terrestrial environment enters strea Leaves (1o autumn), twigs & branches Respiration exceeds primary production: Heterotrophic stream reach Energy from terrestrial sources

11 Which Guilds Should We See?

12 Which Guilds do we see? Diversity of functional groups Shredders: 35 %
Collectors: 45% Grazers: few to 5% Predators: 15% Diversity pattern? large CPOM supports shredders FPOM generated by shredders and mechanical breakdown supports collectors No plants = no grazers

13 Headwaters fishes Minnows Trout Sculpins
Brown trout Minnows Trout Sculpins Other fishes tolerant of seasonal and daily cold temperature regimes Sculpin

14 Mid-reach streams: Salmon and Lemhi in Idaho

15 How should conditions change in the mid reaches?

16 Mid-reach Conditions: Structure
Stream wider, bottom well lit, temperatures and [nutrients] increased Stream bottom: rubble, rocks, pebbles with sand and silt in low current areas

17 Where does the energy come from?

18 Mid-reach Conditions: Energy
Bottom algae proliferate (filamentous greens or diatoms) Where protected -> sediment accumulates and rooted aquatics grow Primary production > respiration = autotrophic reach

19 What FFGs do you expect to find?

20 Mid-reach functional groups
Collectors = 50%: export of FPOM from headwaters + that generated in mid-reach Shredders = 5%: low input of CPOM Grazers 30%: more algae on stream bottom Predators = 15% Export of FPOM to lower reach

21 Mid-reach fishes Typically tolerate wider fluctuations in daily and seasonal temperature Overlap with some headwater species Examples Trout Suckers Minnows Blue suckerfish

22 Lower reach river: Confluence of Snake & Columbia River at Oregon/Washington Border

23 What physical features do you expect in lower reaches?

24 Lower Reach Conditions: Physical
Slow-flowing, deeper, lake-like Increased turbidity & fine-grained, shifting bottom

25 Where does the energy come from in the lower reaches?

26 Lower Reach Conditions: Energy
No sunlight on bottom = no algal growth Autochthonous production from phytoplankton + macrophytes along the margins Terrestrial input of CPOM small Water column has high FPOM from mid-reach Respiration > primary production -> heterotrophic reach

27 Which FFGs do you expect in lower reaches?

28 Lower Reach Functional Groups
Collectors (filterers + gatherers) = 85% Sediment dwellers: mollusks or dipteran larvae Shredders and grazers absent: lack of CPOM and periphyton Predators = 15%

29 Lower Reach Fishes Adapted to environments where temperatures fluctuate widely Suckers Carp Chubs Exotic

30 Problems with RCC Different geomorphologies
Shorter streams in New Zealand: CPOM flushed by floods, few shredders in many streams Western US streams in dry areas often less shaded, even in headwaters Anthropogenic changes to streams interrupt continuum: Logging or removal of riparian vegetation Damming: change in temperature depending whether water release is surface (warm) or bottom (cold)

31 Reset mechanisms Changes in a river below a confluence
Makes receiving stream more like a stream higher in the continuum FFGs closer to that of tributary Will revert below the inlet of the tributary Removal of riparian buffer in headwater Change to pattern of mid-reach

32 Hyporheic community Organisms occurring in the interstitial spaces between rocks and stones on bottom Examples: insect larvae Stoneflies (Plecoptera) Midges (Chironomidae)

33 Water on the Web This presentation includes material from Water on the Web (WoW) WOW Water on the Web - Monitoring Minnesota Lakes on the Internet and Training Water Science Technicians for the Future - A National On-line Curriculum using Advanced Technologies and Real-Time Data. University of Minnesota-Duluth, Duluth, MN Authors: Munson, BH, Axler, R, Hagley C, Host G, Merrick G, Richards C. I would also like to thank Dr. Jewett-Smith for her contributions to this presentation

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