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Olive Octopus Juggling day Next Week Theme: Winter/Animals

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1 Olive Octopus Juggling day Next Week Theme: Winter/Animals
Mrs. Monacelli`s Class Week of December 5th What we did this week: Theme: We learned all about the holidays celebrated around the world in December-we focused on Hanukkah, Kwanzaa, Las Posadas and Christmas The children watched short videos from Elmo on each holiday-we made Kwanzaa chains and Las Posadas Poinsettias. We then compared all the holidays and we tried to figure out what was the same and what was different between them. Math Centers: Number 10 in workbook with a dotter worksheet when done, Counting shapes on the Kinara and following the color pattern and Holiday pattern block sheets. Literacy Centers: Letter O in workbook, Uppercase and lowercase match, reading or listening centers to themselves, ABC center-focused on letter O poem findings and practicing making the letter O and each child worked in a center with me-rhyming, uppercase recognition and sounds. Writers Workshop-Learned about different ideas that we could write about-practiced drawing different ideas and telling the teacher the story. We Practiced our winter concert songs Reminders/ Important Class Info Field trip tomorrow Dec 9th to Shalom Wildlife center-dress warm!!!! Remember all winter gear every day and make sure it is labeled. Also ,please practice having the children get dressed and taking off their winter gear themselves-this will help them get outside faster. Thank you!!!  If you have not complete the December class project please do so and return asap! If you give your child permission to be in the Reading Ranger video please return permission slip to school. Have a great weekend! ` Book We Read: Olive Octopus Juggling day Ten Fingers Can! My First Kwanzaa Sharing Hanukkah Next Week Theme: Winter/Animals

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