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Food Waste.

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Presentation on theme: "Food Waste."— Presentation transcript:

1 Food Waste

2 Where Waste Happens Consumers Vendors Farmers
Grocers Food service industry Cafeterias Restaurants Farmers Food manufacturers, suppliers

3 http://www. businessinsider

4 Common Issues with Food Waste
Portion, package sizes Large pantries, fridges Convenience Dining out Freebies Bulk Weekly shopping Imperfect food Old food Lack of time, planning Affluence

5 Common Issues with Food Waste (cont.)
Lack incentive to economize Inexpensive food Disposable income No charge, fines for waste Want options 8 kinds of Cap’n Crunch!?! Overstocking Donation myths, accessibility

6 Common Issues with Food Waste (cont.)
Competition More for your money Size options Fear of reducing prices, free food Exclusive contracts

7 Impact of Food Waste Waste resources Carbon emissions
Land, water, ag inputs, energy, packaging, landfill space Carbon emissions Deprives producers of income Perfectly edible, but ‘flawed’ Can push up food prices Food insecurity

8 Fighting Waste Change gov’t policies Incentivize reducing food waste
Standardize expiration dates In EU- feed livestock food waste Incentivize reducing food waste Seoul, SK Restaurant fees Change attitudes Educate public Improve, introduce technology NGO collection programs

9 Edible Rings Pros Uses by-product waste
Addresses packaging waste, consequences of disposal Edible for humans, marine life 100% biodegradable , compostable Cons Cost

10 Are You a Waster? In what ways do you waste food?
Do you feel differently now? Have you worked somewhere that repurposes unused food or volunteered to transport it?

11 Food Waste Recap Happens through whole chain Very costly
US is the worst! GS waste- poor infrastructure Unnecessary, but difficult to address Need to address at front end of problem

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