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CH 30 P2 Insights Objectives- students will understand..

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1 CH 30 P2 Insights Objectives- students will understand..
Identify 3 ways the Treaty of Versailles failed to solve Europe's problems and lead to WWII Analyze why the US refused to sign the (not join the League of Nations) (putting America back on a path towards isolationism) by… A. Identifying the two sides in the debate B. Why each side was so adamant (forceful) in believing their side was right *How the end of WWI leads to WWII

2 ID- Approximate Comparative Losses in WWI (708)
Summary 1- What two countries lost the most troops? Russia-1.7 mil Germany- 1.6 mil. (1 out of 32 people) France- 1.4 mil (1/28 people) Summary 2- Why were US casualties so much lower than everyone else? US only fought for 5 months, other countries fought for 5 years

3 OI- America Helps Hammer the Hun
1) Identify the importance of Chateau-Thierry 1st engagement of Us troops in WWI (30K US troops stopped the advance of Ger. Troops only 40 mi. f. Paris 2) Identify how large the Battle of Meuse-Argonne was? 1 mil US troops in 24 mi. line pushed Ger. For 47 days and broke German line 3) Who was Alvin York? American war hero, captured 132 Germans and killed 20 more

4 ID- Wilson in Dover (712) Summary 3- How was Pres. Wilson viewed by the European people? Why? As a hero b/c Americas involvement won the war for the Allies Summary 4- From what group of people would he receive a cooler reception from? From the American people and Congress

5 14 points- Pres. Wilson’s plan for peace in postwar Europe
Self-Determination- create new European countries based on ethnicities Demilitarization- smaller Eur. Militaries Why might France be skeptical of reducing it’s Army? Colonization- free colonial people in Africa and Asia Why would Fr and GB not want to free there colonies? Fair Peace- Don’t punish Germany What could happen if Ger. Is punished? League of nations- int. organization for countries to talk and avoid war

6 OI- An Idealist Battles the Imperialists in Paris
4) Who was the Big 4? Winning ally countries that will decide the terms of post-war Europe Great Britain, France, Italy, US (What countries are left out?) 5) What was Wilson’s #1 goal in Paris? Approval of the League of Nations (international organization for countries to avoid war by talking) 6) What was Wilson’s fear in the peace conference that he tried to stop in regards to conquered territory? That the other three would secretly divide Germany’s colonies among themselves and leave the problem of colonization alive

7 OI- Hammering out a Treaty, The Peace Treaty that Bred a New War
7) Identify something in the treaty that would have upset Germany? War guilt clause- Ger. Takes full blame for the war (Was Ger. To blame?) Reparations- Ger. Forced to pay Allies (Fr.) for damages Lost land- Ger. Loses all colonies and vital areas of Ger. 8) How many of Wilson’s ideas were left in the Treaty? 4 9) What did Wilson hope would solve the inequalities in the Treaty? League of Nations What are the key problems with the Treaty of Versailles? Do you think the T of V will lead to war? Explain

8 ID- Contentious Nuptials (715)
Summary 5- Who is Uncle Sam marrying in the picture? Foreign Entanglements (Europe) Who is opposed to the marriage in the picture? US Senate From what book is the pastor reading from? League of Nations Summary 6- Why would members of the Senate (isolationists) be against the Treaty of Versailles? Fear that joining the LofN would drag the US into war in Europe

9 OI- Defeat Through Deadlock
10) Why were many Senators alarmed by Article X? Gave Pres. Power to send army to protect League member 11) What constitutional power did Congress want to protect for itself? War declaring power (Pres. Is in charge of military, but Senate gives Pres. authority to use military 12) How did Wilson order Democrats to vote in regards to the Treaty? Vote for Treaty as is and not to accept republican reservations (moderate Rep. wanted Article X taken out) 13) Did the Treaty pass in the Senate? NO (failed on party lines, every Rep. voted against, every Dem. Voted for TofV) 14) How did most Senators feel about the Treaty? Willing to accept compromises (Europe would have accepted compromises) 15) Why is Wilson credited for defeating his own Treaty which he wanted to see pass? Wilson refused to compromise and took an all or nothing attitude (US never joined the League of Nations)

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