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Vocabulario AP 25-30 Repaso Examen. acción stock.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulario AP 25-30 Repaso Examen. acción stock."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulario AP 25-30 Repaso Examen

2 acción stock

3 aduana customs

4 ahorrar to save

5 contabilidad accounting

6 descuento discount

7 en effectivo cash

8 endosar to endorse

9 escasez scarcity

10 gastos expenses

11 impuesto tax

12 renta income

13 invertir to invest

14 estraperlo black market

15 pago a plazos installment payments

16 préstamo loan

17 presupuesto budget

18 reembolso to repay

19 sucursal branch

20 surtido selection

21 arrancar to start up

22 autopista highway

23 avería breakdown

24 capó hood

25 embotellamiento traffic jam

26 retrovisor rear view mirror

27 faro headlight

28 frenar to brake

29 gata jack

30 remolque tow truck

31 hinchar to inflate

32 llantas tires

33 parachoques bumper

34 pilotos rear light

35 pinchazo blowout

36 placa de matrícula license plate

37 señal de tráfico traffic signal

38 velocímetro speedometer

39 volante steering wheel

40 abonado subscriber

41 acuso de recibo reciept

42 apartado postal post office box

43 auricular reciever, earpiece

44 buzón mailbox

45 circuito integrado integrated circuit

46 código territorial area code

47 correo aéro air mail

48 correo electrónico e-mail

49 dejar un recado to leave a message

50 ficha de teléfono token

51 franqueo stamping

52 cobro inverso reverse charge call

53 marcar to dial

54 membrete letterhead

55 reparto de cartas mail delivery

56 sello stamp

57 señal para marcar dial tone

58 tarjeta postal post card

59 desarollo development

60 edad age

61 suceso event

62 asemejar to resemble

63 aplicado industrious

64 perezoso lazy

65 parentesco lineage

66 vínculo tie

67 aguantar to tolerate

68 amparar to help

69 apoyar to support

70 atrever to dare

71 confiar to confide

72 enajenar to alienate

73 socorrer to help

74 amistoso friendly

75 cariñoso loving

76 contar con to count on

77 amistad friendship

78 confianza trust

79 codiciar to covet

80 crecer to grow

81 comportarse to behave

82 cuidarse de to take care of

83 echar de menos to miss

84 llevarse to get along with

85 odiar to hate

86 extrañar to miss

87 tener celos to be jealous

88 bello beautiful

89 codicioso jealous

90 egoísta self-centered

91 fiel loyal

92 manso gentle

93 confiable trustworthy

94 mezquino mean

95 vivaz vivacious

96 bolsiso pocket

97 bufanda scarf

98 calcetines socks

99 jersey t-shirt

100 chaqueta jacket

101 cinturón belt

102 estilo style

103 falda skirt

104 gorra cap

105 manga sleeve

106 moda fashion

107 pañuela handkerchief

108 rebozo shawl

109 ropa clothes

110 saco blazer

111 traje suit

112 probarse to try on

113 estar de moda to be in style

114 ir de compras to go shopping

115 FIN

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