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The Mexican-American War

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Presentation on theme: "The Mexican-American War"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Mexican-American War


3 Manifest Destiny The belief that Americans had the God-given right to expand westward.

4 Politically… Election of 1840: William Henry Harrison John Tyler

5 Maine Boundary issues Settled with Webster-Ashburton Treaty


7 Texas Won independence from Mexico in 1836 Wanted to be annexed by US
US worried about upsetting Mexico, also large piece of slave territory

8 Annexation Tyler, 1845

9 Election of 1844

10 James K. Polk Dark horse candidate “Young Hickory”
“Who is James K. Polk?” Expansionist and believed in Manifest Destiny

11 Oregon Country 54⁰40’ or fight!

12 Problems with Mexico Polk wanted to buy CA Mexico mad about TX
Boundary disputes in TX


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