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Secondary/Environmental Participants

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1 Secondary/Environmental Participants
Trade Associations Government Departments Unions Manufacturer Wholesaler Retailer Primary Participants Buyer Consumer Society Values Economy Cultural Norms Suppliers Competitors Legal Requirements Technology

2 Marketing - The Total Picture
Exchanges occur between all of these participants in order for the buyer/consumer to be satisfied. The work of marketing exists where any or all of these participants are involved in exchange, with the purpose of satisfying a buyer/consumer.

3 Understanding 1 The most important part of marketing is not selling.
Selling is only one of many functions that marketers perform, and often not the most important one.

4 Understanding 2 For effective, successful marketing in any organisation, that organisation must have a clear, and ingrained appreciation of what marketing is…and what it can do for the organisation.

5 Understanding 3 Marketing is not a peripheral activity of modern organisations, but one that grows out of the essential quest of modern organisations to effectively serve some are of human need.

6 The Evolution of Marketing Organisations (1)
A Product Orientation Effective Marketing: “Build a better mouse trap and they will beat a path to your door” Philosophy: The major task of an organisation is to produce products/services that it thinks would be good for the market Marketing planning starts with what we want to offer.

7 The Evolution of Marketing Organisations (2)
A Production Orientation: Effective Marketing: “Build more mousetraps, and therefore they will become cheaper” Philosophy: The major task of an organisation is to pursue efficiency in production and distribution. Marketing planning starts with what we have to offer.

8 The Evolution of marketing in Organisations (3)
A Sales Orientation Effective Marketing: “Convince people that they need a mouse trap, and that it must be ours not our competitors” Philosophy: The major task of an organisation is to stimulate interest and desire of potential consumers in the organisations existing products/services. Marketing planning starts with what we have to offer.

9 The Evolution of marketing in Organisations (4)
A Marketing Orientation Effective Marketing “Find out what people want in a mouse trap. Then adapt our total offering to satisfy those wants”. Philosophy: The major tasks of an organisation is to determine the perceptions, needs and wants of targeted markets, and to satisfy them through the design, communication, pricing and delivery of appropriate and competitively viable offerings. Marketing Planning starts with the consumer

10 The Evolution of marketing in Organisations (5)
A Societal Marketing Orientation Effective Marketing “Find out what people want in a mouse trap. Then adapt our total offering to satisfy those wants in a way that the consumer’s and the society’s weel-being”. Philosophy: The major tasks of an organisation is to determine the perceptions, needs and wants of targeted markets, and balance them against the society’s interests and the companies profits in order to satisfy them through the design, communication, pricing and delivery of appropriate and competitively viable offerings . Marketing Planning starts with the consumer and the society

11 The Marketing Concept It’s a philosophy of business that states that the consumer’s want satisfaction is the economic and social justification for an organisation’s existence. Consequently, all of the activities of the organisation must be devoted to finding out what the consumers want, and then satisfying those wants….profitability.

12 Integrated Marketing Mix
The Marketing Concept Focus Means End Selling Concept Profits Through Sales Volume Selling & Promoting Product Marketing Concept Integrated Marketing Mix Profits Through Consumer Satisfaction Consumer Needs

13 (or other measurable objective)

14 MARKETING (DEFINED) “matching the needs and the wants of a target market to the total offering of the organisation (product, price, promotion and distribution, people, processes, physical evidence), more effectively than its competitors. “An approach to business rather than a specialist discipline” “The process of achieving corporate goals by satisfying consumer wants”

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