BalloonWinds-GroundWinds Project Summary

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1 BalloonWinds-GroundWinds Project Summary
James M. Ryan University of New Hampshire Proprietary

2 Two GroundWinds Instruments
Bartlett, New Hampshire Mauna Loa, Hawaii Laser 532nm (green) 5W 10Hz pulsed 355nm (UV) 5W 10Hz pulsed Telescope 1/2 meter f/4 R-C Cassegrain 1/2 meter f/4 R-C Cassegrain. Auto focus, auto alignment Auto focus, auto alignment Etalon system Auto tune Fabry-Pérot etalons Auto tune Fabry-Pérot etalons Proprietary

3 GWNH Instrument c.a. 2000 Alternative slide in backups. Proprietary

4 GWHI Instrument c.a. 2004 Alternative slide in backups. Proprietary

5 BalloonWinds Gondola Size: 8′×8′×12′
Gondola Mass: < 2700 kg (3 tons) Power Requirements: 1300 W Power System: 20 Lithium-Ion Batteries Thermal Management: Ice and Electric Heaters Optical Systems: Diode-Pumped Nd:YAG ½-meter Telescope Direct-Detection Receivers (2) Proprietary

6 Mission Objectives Measure signal and line shape to confirm atmospheric & instrument responses from down- looking perspective. Develop instrument performance model for space-borne system. Assess subsystem scalability for space. Measure wind velocity profiles with a quality limited only by instrument knowledge, photometric return and uncontrolled quantities. Tried summarizing the four objectives in the report. Perhaps you could better this attempt. Proprietary

7 BW Instrument 2008, Holloman AFB
Alternative slide in backups. Proprietary

8 Launch, November 2008 Proprietary

9 Reference Images Upon Return to UNH Before Launch
High resolution – only showing reference region (no sky region) A lot of subsystems have to be working for this measurement to be made. Interferometer misalignments minimal given the signal location on the chip did not move. 12-micron pixels and turning mirrors about 1-m away – no room for any angular movement. Weak aerosol fringes due to a small (~10-micron) movement of the reference injection stage or filter box stage Recycling efficiency changes due to a small (~10-micron) movement of the recycler stage Before Launch Proprietary

10 Aftermath Without an opportunity for a relaunch efforts were put toward Up-looking data analysis Instrument performance model Up-looking data-model comparisons Model predictions for space-borne LIDAR Proprietary

11 Instrument Performance Model
50+ input parameters All subsystems components are modeled Result simulates the raw measurement Result is processed to predict Signal strength Measurement uncertainty Proprietary

12 BW Measurement Proprietary

13 BW Prediction Same scale as measurement. Camera noise not added.

14 Comparisons Signal Strength

15 Comparisons Wind Uncertainty

16 Comparisons Wind Sensitivity
Agreement above 10^5 p.e. and below 7 m/s. Proprietary

17 Space-Borne Instrument
‘BalloonWinds-Like’ except 200 km position (0 km) -60° elevation angle (45°) 20 W laser emission (3W) 1.5 m telescope (0.5 m) 80% quantum efficiency (0.4) Improved transmissions and detector properties to address some BW deficiencies. Proprietary

18 Space-Borne Predictions
Solid = GTWS Enhanced Aerosol Model Dashed = GTWS Background Aerosol Model Proprietary

19 Space-Borne Predictions
Solid = GTWS Enhanced Aerosol Model Dashed = GTWS Background Aerosol Model Results are above the 10^5 pe and below 7 m/s. i.e. in the validated region of the model. Results suggest <3 m/s uncertainty from the parameters selected. Proprietary

20 The End Opportunities? Collaborations? Report available
$ S&H. Act now and get 2- for-1 with video. Hurry. Supplies limited. Offer not valid in NJ. Proprietary

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