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Pioneers of Nuclear Research

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1 Pioneers of Nuclear Research
Discovering atomic particles

2 W.K. Roentgen Found that some materials glowed in the presence of an energy form that could pass through cardboard. Called the energy “X-rays”

3 Fluorescing Minerals Some minerals produce light when hit by radiant energy (fluorescence) Fluorescence stops when the radiant energy is stopped

4 Henri Becquerel Do fluorescent minerals produce x-rays?
Found that minerals can produce x-rays in the absence of radiant energy. Credited with the discovery of radiation

5 Marie Curie Worked with an ore of uranium (pitchblende)
Found the amount of radiation emitted from the ore was higher than expected from the amount of uranium

6 Marie Curie Extracted two previously unknown elements
Radium Polonium 1st person to receive two Nobel Prizes ever.

7 Rutherford’s 1899 Experiment
Passed nuclear radiation through a magnetic field Demonstrated two types of radiation Alpha particles Beta particles

8 Old Plum Pudding Model of Atoms
All the parts of an atom are stuck tightly together. Protons, neutrons and electrons are packed together.

9 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
Shot radiation at a thin gold sheet. Expected the radiation to scatter widely as it squeezed between atoms

10 Rutherford’s Gold Foil Experiment
Found that 2% of the radiation was deflected as expected. Instead, 98% passed straight through and a tiny amount shot back at the source Showed the nucleus is a small, positive area surrounded by mostly empty space.

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