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Reminders 2-1-18 Bring your Things Fall Apart book every day through next Friday, Feb 9 TFA Quiz – tomorrow – 20 M.C. questions over the whole book Othello.

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Presentation on theme: "Reminders 2-1-18 Bring your Things Fall Apart book every day through next Friday, Feb 9 TFA Quiz – tomorrow – 20 M.C. questions over the whole book Othello."— Presentation transcript:

1 Reminders Bring your Things Fall Apart book every day through next Friday, Feb 9 TFA Quiz – tomorrow – 20 M.C. questions over the whole book Othello will start Monday, Feb 12 – have your copy. No excuses! We will read together. Cultural Identity Papers will be returned tomorrow!

2 SAT Practice #2

3 Norms

4 What do we hope to accomplish in this mini unit?
Unit Goals To analyze cultural experiences reflected in a work of literature from outside the United States To analyze how complex characters in a novel develop and interact to advance a plot or theme To draw evidence from literary text to support analysis and reflection Academic and Literary Vocabulary Revisit last unit’s vocabulary terms Preview this unit – p.218

5 Proverbs in Things Fall Apart (3.2)
Analyze proverbs to gain insight into the culture of a people. Determine an author’s purpose for including proverbs in a novel. Characterization of Okonkwo (see next slide for group assignments) Groups will ‘present’ their work in a gallery walk.

6 Characterization in Things fall apart
*For all of this work, the whole book should be considered for evidence, examples, etc. Groups 1 & 2: Compare and contrast Okonkwo’s father Unoka, Okonkwo, Ikemefuna, and Nwoye. Use the diagram provided to sort through your thoughts. After completing the chart with details. Respond to #2 on page 228 – pulling in all the fathers and sons. Groups 3 & 4: Exploring Okonkwo’s feelings and fears along with the reason for the fears and the effect they have on his action. Create a 2 column chart – left side: Feelings & Fears: Passages from Text; right side: interpretation/explanation and at the bottom answer 1) How do Okonkwo’s fears influence his actions? 2) What are the reasons for his fears? Groups 5 & 6: Characterization (p. 233) – Create a chart like the one on page 233. Use at least 4 different characters and complete the chart. Groups 7 & 8: Conflicting Sides in Okonkwo’s Character (p. 231) – Create a chart like the one on page 231. Focus on Okonkwo’s achievements and status vs. Negative Traits and Actions. Write a claim about Okonkwo’s dual nature. Then, move to write a broader thesis considering complexity and insight.

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