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Intro to Macbeth.

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1 Intro to Macbeth

2 “Macbeth” A tragedy written by William Shakespeare in 1606.
This play is believed to be based on an account of Scottish history about a Scottish king named Macbeth, who reigned in the 11th century.

3 Influence of the Royals
Queen Elizabeth I loved the theatre and Shakespeare’s works. When she died in 1603, the throne went to James I. Shakespeare wanted to impress his new king, so he was sure to address 3 topics: Witches. The Divine Right of Kings. The Great Chain of Being.

4 Witches King James I was fascinated by witch hunting and witchcraft.
Witches were known for using plants and herbs for healing purposes. Problem: Only doctors or men of God were thought to have the ability to cure. Thought to be connected to the devil and blamed for problems like drought, fire, plagues, and shipwrecks.

5 The Great Chain of Being
This is a hierarchal view of the world where everyone has his/her place.

6 The Divine Right of Kings
This doctrine states that a king/queen is divinely appointed by God. Thus, it was a grave sin to attempt to usurp (overthrow) a king.

7 The Gunpowder Plot of 1605 Led by a group of Catholics who were disappointed that King James was not supporting them. They failed in their assassination attempt on the king. Shakespeare was believed to be inspired by this incident to write about the dangers of taking a title that is not one’s right.

8 Themes, Motifs, and Symbols to Look For
Ambition Masculinity Kingship vs. tyranny Violence Prophecy Weather Darkness The unnatural/supernatural Blood Animals and birds Clothing Disease and sickness Sleep

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